Cut and Run Part 2

Start from the beginning

"What kind of ship is this anyway?"one of the troopers asked.

"Looks like a modified Omnicron class attack shuttle. Seems to be completely abandoned. Let's clamp it down and add it to the list and keep moving on. We'll run a signature on it later. When the troopers left Echo, Tech, and Ryla came back from from inside the duct.

"So far so good" Ryla commented.

"At least for know, we haven't gotten to the hard part yet kid" said Echo.

"Echo, go to the security kiosk, scomp in, copy the data, and grab the blank disks for me to program. Ryla you're staying here with me, at least for now." Echo quietly and swirly left the ship and without being seen navigated his way into the security kiosk. He looked around trying to find the disks.

"I don't see any disks Tech."

"They'll be locked a safe compartment." Then Echo saw what he was looking for.

"Oh I see it." He got it open using his mechanical arm.

"I found them."

"Excellent." He grabbed a container of disks and made his way back to the ship.

Meanwhile Wrecker and Hunter were helping Cut and his family get to the shuttle without being noticed in any bad way and being caught without chain codes. Hunter quietly commed Tech.

"Tech, we're in the spaceport, what is your status?" Tech was working on the chain codes.

"In progress," he confirmed, "the encryption shouldn't be a problem."

"Hurry it up then" he urged, "we need those chain codes to get them on the shuttle or we're going to have to blast our way out."

"Don't worry, I can slip through security unnoticed and deliver the disks to you momentarily."

"Okay, and what's the status on Ryla?"

"She's perfectly fine, she's right here with me."

"Good, keep her there."

Echo and Tech then noticed the group of clones that was getting larger outside of the ship in the distance.

"No chance you're getting past all of them undetected" Echo noted.

"We can't get caught with these chain codes."

"We can't get caught at all, what are you talking about Tech?" Echos more urgent, serious voice began to kick in, "If we get caught in a blaster fight they're gonna lock down the whole port! And then the mission is screwed!" But then both Tech and Echo got the same idea, looking back at Ryla.

"Hunter isn't going to be happy when he finds out we just send Ryla out into the blue out there" Echo then said.

"But she also currently has the highest advantage of not being seen. She's great at sneaking around and has her cloaking device to help her" Tech explained, "it's the best option."

"Tech, hurry up, we're running out of time" Hunter commed in.

"Those chain codes are coming, we're working on our plan B, there's too many clones out there to get past without being seen. Ryla come here and let me look at your device." Ryla put out his arm towards him. She usually kept it around her wrist. Tech grabbed a couple of tools and started doing something to it.

"Tech, what backup plan?" Hunter asked, concerned about what he was planning.

"After I make the modifications to her cloaking device to where she can stay unseen for as long as she needs too Ryla will be on her way with the chain codes."

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