Meet Ryla!!!

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Who is Ryla you may ask??? She's my OC (official character) of mine for this story!

* Is a defective clone like the Bad Batch members

* Enhanced Skills (I understand we don't exactly know Omega's enhancements in the original show yet, but I wanted my OC to go ahead and have some known special skills for her) ---- Enhanced strength, braveness, and determination (this does not account for all situations she could get thrown in); is very naturally good at using weapons, is able to sneak around without being seen when wanting to remain hidden from everyone

*Negative Side Effects - Is more prone to anxiety and fear when stuck in tight situations on her own or is in a situation that threatens her life; she does not handle nightmares well

*9 years old (don't underestimate this lil' gal)

*Similar backstory to the Bad Batchers

*Will bring out the soft spot in all of the guys (besides sadly Crosshair); becomes best buddies with Wrecker and Echo, sees Tech like an older brother (really sees all of them as older brothers), and sees Hunter as a father figure; struggles to let go of Crosshair

*She is still a child, so she is much smaller compared to the bad batch guys; has deep dark brown eyes; long, black, thick and wavy hair; has light colored skin; is physically perfectly healthy

*Her little secrets (I'll let you readers in on Ryla's little secrets before the story begins) ---- keeps two blaster pistols, a knife, throwing stars hidden beneath her clothing for her protection; built her own cloaking device in the form of a metal wrist-wrap that when activated makes her fully invisible for 30 seconded and used for emergencies only; she might not look like she knows how to fight but she really does

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