Summer's Awesome!!!

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I love summer. Summer is just great, no school to worry about since we have just finished writing our exams. Summer is all about fun, which is what I like about it. The seniors cup is about to start in a week or two so I want to enjoy the beginning of this summer as much as possible. I'm not saying I won't enjoy playing for my school in the senior's cup but during this cup season I won't be able to party and play that much because I will be playing in the cup and all that which won't allow me to do what I want because of training and resting but I also like this part of it.

I was day dreaming in my dorm when I hear the school's announce speakers ask everyone to go the school's football field. I shrugged it off and made my way to the field. After I got there they told us to make lines, each line with the members of its class. "Good afternoon everyone, today I wanted to announce the beginning of our summer break..." says the principal as we all cheer. "And I would also like to add that if interested we have made reservations to a 5 day trip to Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava" we were all too excited at that point. "We have already talked to your parents and they all agreed to let you all go so it is only a matter if you would like to go or not" the principal finished. Then the high school head teacher stepped up "If you are interested or wish to go you will only need to head to the reception and ask Miss Katelyn to confirm your room. You may all head out now" she stated. I was happy that I would enjoy this summer.

I waited an hour or two so that I don't go to the reception whilst there are a lot of people there, I want to go I and out, I don't need to be waiting in some line. As I'm walking through the hall in my way to the reception I encounter Lionel, who looks to be going to the reception as well. I run a little so I can walk besides him and asked "Are you going now because you didn't want to wait in a line?" he chuckled and responded "Yeah I bet you also did the same didn't you?" I chuckled. "You read my mind" I said still chuckling. We have talked a lot since the "Date" we had on the mall, I still don't know if Benzema just proposed that Idea so they would leave just the 2 of us there but I still thank him even if it was just a coincidence. We have also gotten a lot close and I would consider him one of my closest friends and I'm sure he also thinks that way but recently I started developing a crush on him or just realized I had a crush on him anyways.

We both exited the reception and he was heading to his room when I asked "Leo do you want to watch a movie or something?" Sure he replied. So we went to my room. "What do you want to watch?" he asked? "A scary movie?" I asked him back. "Sure" he said after launching himself at my bed. We are now cuddling an hour into the movie and he was surprised but a jump scare again, I don't really know how he still falls for this because it's too easy to understand that a jump scare might come by the background song getting louder, theme song plays, it gets darker and so many more but what can I do? I turn my head to look at him is looking at me and accidentally gave him a peck. Wait... I gave him a peck aww shit... he was blushing a lot. When I realized what I've done I start apologizing non-stop as he puts his and on my face making me look at him and he "says its fine" but unfortunately my dumb ass didn't notice that he was saying it was fine, making a move in a way but noooo, I was just too dumb and distracted to notice.

 Afterwards we kept talking about comics, "DC is better than marvel" I stated before he looked at me weird "You like marvel?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes of course." "Most of your comics are DC..." I was shook to my core, he literally only read DC like... I have never seen him with a marvel comic book in my life or in his room. "You know I think I am a bit old to fight about better comics even though DC is better" I said trying to change the topic and since he was in a good mood he let it slide. It was getting late I walked him to his dorm room before he asked "Want to go to the mall tomorrow so we can get swim wear and stuff like that". "Sure, I also need some" I said as I waved good bye. Talking about clothes that were my hoodie he was wearing.

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