-Chapter Twenty-One-

Start from the beginning

"Let's do it because I do not want to be sitting in this airport all day." I rolled my eyes.

We left the airport and got an Uber Black to a restaurant about 20 minutes away. The outside was so cute with a neon pink sign that read "Oasis".

"A booth for 3 please," I asked the host at the stand.

"It'll be about a 45 minute wait." The girl stated as she scrolled on the iPad in her hand.

"Oh no, not for my brother there's not!" A woman came around the corner with the biggest grin spread across her face. "Baby brother come here!" She pulled Clifford into a hug. I smiled at the two who looked like they hadn't seen each other in forever. It was a little weird to me that he had never mentioned having a sister though.

"Sis, you remember Tati right?" He gestured towards Tati who was standing to the left of him.

"It's so good seeing you," She smiled as she pulled Tati into a hug. "Look at your little belly, you're so cute! Congratulations girl you are glowing." She sighed.

"Really? Thank you," Tati blushed.

"And this is Cheyenne," Clifford put his arm around my waist.

"Cliff she's gorgeous, how the hell did you pull her?!" She pushed his arm. "It's so nice to meet you, I'm Anika." She pulled me into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too," I giggled. Anika had such great energy, I liked her already.

"Alright come on, I got a table for y'all in the back." She lead us to the back of the restaurant that had large booths. "Y'all came at a good time because it's about to get packed in here."

"Is this your restaurant?" I asked as I looked around.

"You're damn right," She grinned proudly.

"This is beautiful," I admired the colorful abstract decor. "I love the vibes in here."

"Thank you, make yourself at home and order whatever you want, it's on the house." She handed us food menus and sat the drink menu on the table.

"This is really nice," I stated as Anika walked away. "I don't think you ever mentioned having a sister."

"We're just not as close as we used to be," Clifford shrugged as he looked at the menu. I could tell he didn't want to have this conversation, at least not here so I dropped it but made a mental note to ask him about it another day.

One of the servers came to the back to take our drink and food orders. Once our orders came out we spent the next few hours eating, sipping on drinks and making plans to go shopping after we ate. Me and Tati actually did most of the talking. Clifford wasn't normally a really chatty person, but today the silence coming from him felt extremely loud. He wasn't the type of guy to ever appear uncomfortable, but he did seem thrown off.

"Y'all want anything else?"Clifford asked as he slid out of the booth.

Tati and I both shook our heads No and he walked away to the front of the restaurant. I watched him as he walked up to Anika and they moved off to the side. I couldn't read his lips from this far away but his face was neutral, not really showing any emotion. She on the other hand seemed fidgety and continuously looked over her shoulder as if she was making sure no one was in listening distance.

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