Yeji nods.

“That’s me, my heart.” Ryujin then points at the butterfly. “And that’s you. You’re helping me bloom, opening my heart again and healing it.”

Yeji smiles from ear to ear, blushing while cringing at the same time. Her heart is overflowing with so many emotions. She’s touched, shy, flattered, thankful and, more than anything, happy to know that Ryujin appreciates her that much.

“I know that a flower can’t actually be in love with a butterfly but like I said, it’s metaphorical.”

“Well, metaphorically speaking, I think it’s okay for the flower to be in love with the butterfly.” Yeji places the framed painting on the table carefully then turns to wrap her arms around Ryujin’s neck.


“Because the butterfly is in love with the flower too. It’s the only flower she wants so I think it’s okay for the flower to only allow that butterfly to come near.”

“I like how you think, Miss Hwang,” says Ryujin, smiling.

“I like you.”

“I like you too. Do you like your present?”

“Love it.” Yeji closes the gap, giving Ryujin a grateful peck on the lips. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I didn’t prepare anything though. I wasn’t expecting a one week anniversary.”

“That’s okay. I’m cheesy, I know.”

Yeji laughs and kisses Ryujin again, hoping that with every touch of her lips, Ryujin would know how she feels towards her even though she can’t say it out loud just yet.

“So do you want to do anything today?” she asks a few minutes later while trying to catch her breath.

“I have nothing planned.”


“I didn’t want to scare you away with my cheesiness. I’m saving the elaborate planning for annual stuff,” says Ryujin, grinning cheekily.

“Annual stuff?”

Ryujin nods. “Birthdays, anniversaries…”

“My birthday is next week.”

“I know.”

“Are you planning something?”

“Maybe but I’m not telling. My lips are sealed.” Ryujin pretends to zip her lips and throw the keys away.

“Come on! Tell me!”

Ryujin shakes her head silently, tightly pursing her lips.

“I guess I have to unzip your lips.” Yeji grabs the back of Ryujin’s head to make sure she can’t get away and starts kissing her, trying to make her part her lips.

“Mmmmmhhhhhmmmhmmm!” Ryujin tries to push to Yeji away while moving her head frantically to escape the attack but Yeji’s quite strong. She ends up falling backwards onto the couch with Yeji on top, pinning her down.

Then Ryujin suddenly feels hands on her, grabbing the buttons of her shirt.


She meant that as “No!”

Yeji loses her grip when Ryujin swats her hands away but doesn’t give up. Even though the woman is now holding both her wrists, she forcefully moves her hands down, going for Ryujin’s jeans, pulling the waistline roughly to try to twist the button open.

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