Luci's POV

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" dear diary, it's official I'm in Seattle! The waters are extremely crystal blue, and the space needle is huge! I already love it here . The 7 hour drive was not very fun but still I love it . I start school tomorrow and I'm so nervous i'm a new kid in a new school in the 10 the grade . It's nerve wrecking. Till tomorrow"
                              (THE NEXT DAY)
Okay , let's do this . Let's go to school , school then doctors appointment . *sigh* okay...
                                  (AT SCHOOL)
the lady in the office pointed me in all the right directions and I'm doing okay so far . "Hi I'm Rachel , you're new right? you look just like this cute boy I just saw" a girl said to me while I was at my locker . "Hey , yeah I'm new my Lucielle but everyone calls me Luci and that was my twin brother Henry ." I said politely. " well let me see your schedule" Rachel says to me with her hands out . I handed her my schedule, and she says "yes! we have all the same classes" . she says so excited . "yay that's awesome" . I said we instantly had this connection not in a romantic way , but in a friendship way that I knew was gonna last a long time . After a couple classes we had sat down for lunch , at this table "So this is my friend , my only one stuck by me through everything the only one that did, this is Luci , Luci this is Austin and his brother Liam . I looked at Liam for a minute and thought "he's so cute and he has really pretty eyes ." I was shaken out of my haze by Rachel while Austin looked at me and laughed a little bit because he knew that I thought his brother was super cute . "Sorry i zoned out, Hi Austin, and Hi Liam" I said . He got up and shook my hand with a smile and said "Hi..Luci, what a pretty name" I smiled and said "it's alright" with a little laugh . "Well sorry to interrupt but me and Austin are gonna go to the Library to go help out the librarian it's our turn to help and remember lunch is over in an hour" Rachel says . I then said back to her "okay sure , see you in class". Liam starts a conversation with me and says "hey , don't be nervous . It's always hard being the new kid , I was the new kid not that long ago but you'll be fine . you got me , and Austin and Rachel" . I smiled at him and said "thank you . that's really sweet, and this is going to sound totally forward but I think you're super cute that's kinda why I stared a little , I hope you don't think that's weird" . He smiled , and said " no no, of course it's okay , I think you're extremely beautiful and you have pretty eyes . is that to forward?" He says with a laugh . "No" I said laughing " the right amount of toward" . "So I'm assuming you have the same classes as us too?" I said. "yes ma'am . I'll be seeing you around" Liam says. "cool" I said . we sat there talking for the rest of the lunch period . I didn't see my brother for most of the day we had separate classes , I was in the GATE classes and he was in the regular classes, so I couldn't tell him that I had just met the cutest boy who was super smart and very caring . After the bell we walked to class together and found out we were partners in science class . That was our last class of the day . "Well I'll see you later Lucille" he said with a smirk and a cute little laugh . I smiled and laughed and said "see you later Hayes" . I walked away and got into my car with my brother and I said "you'll never guess what . I just met this guy, his names Liam Hayes he's super cute, really interesting and he's very sweet" . "Lucky lady sis ." He says "now let's get you checked out at the doctors" . "Fine fine fine . Rain on my parade Henry" i said with my eyes rolling . Now I'm preparing to get either the most relieving or the most terrifying news of my life .

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