Henry's POV:

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Having a sister isn't easy . But it's always been the best . I protected my twin sister with everything I had . I never let anybody hurt her, say rude things to her, or tease her in anyway . She was my favorite person in the whole world and I wasn't ashamed of it . We've had the best relationship partly because that's how our dad raised us and because our mom wasn't around . So when I found out she had cancer I couldn't believe it . I wanted to break down and cry but I stayed strong for sister . So I just thought and thought about it and comforted her as much as I could. The day before we left for Seattle where the hospital was that was going to treat my sister . My dad sat me down and told him the real story about my mom . Their Marriage , my disgusting excuse for a grandfather, and why she left . I took it with a grain of salt and just said "oh wow . that's a lot to take in, well, for what it's worth your the best father I mean you raised 2 kids all on your own , run a diner , and still manage to up and move everything you have your life,your home,your children just to get your daughter the best medical care she needs because your just that guy ." he smiled and started to tear up . I left and went to go pack up the rest of my room , but before I went into my sisters room knocked on her down said "can I come in?" she said " 'course" I sat on her bed and asked her "you ready to move to Seattle? Meet your Prince Charming?" I laughed as I said it . She threw a pillow at me and laughed and said "shut up.. maybe I will just for that comment . And honestly I'm kind of excited . new place , new school, new friends, new house I do feel guilty that dad has to leave the diner" I laughed and said "dude he loves you . your his kid he'd do anything to make sure your healthy and live for a thousand years ." she smiled and said " go..go get packed so we can leave idiot ." So I went and I packed . I took a shower , put on my flannel pants and my black t-shirt, brushed my teeth and went to bed knowing that tomorrow I'd be going to sleep in a new house . In a new state . Knowing my sister was getting the best care possible . It was nice to go to sleep thinking about something nice .

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