Robert's POV:

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I heard a doctor say my baby girl had bone cancer. When they said we had to go to Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital I already knew I had to tell her the truth about her mother . It was only fair . I'll sit Henry down before we leave and tell him , but she needs to know first . She sits down in front of me and I begin to tell her . "Luci..Baby.. we leave for Seattle in 2 days . But before we go I need to tell you something . It's about your mother . Your mother her names Catherine Fox . She's a urologist . She works at Grey-Sloan Memorial. I need to tell you the whole story before we go . My father...Your Grandfather he was a very bitter and rude man . He owns the foundation I use to work for . The Harper Avery foundation that your mother soon took over after I left . My Father sexually harassed many women who tried to work at his hospitals and in his foundation, banned them from working in any of his hospitals and made them sign disclosures that they would never work at any of his hospitals or tell anybody about what he did to them . Or he'd sue them for everything they had . Anyways, when I found out I confronted him and told him it was horrible what he did to those women and down right disgusting . We argued for what seemed like years and then finally he sits down and starts writing a check . I asked what he was doing and he rips off the check from the checkbook and says "Here 500 million dollars, it's all of your inheritance take it and never come back" . I looked at him sadly and said what? he then continues to tell me " take it and leave, if you ever tell anybody what happened I will deny it, say you did all these terrible things and sue your ass . Jackie and Catherine are better off without you anyways . You've always been a leaver . And your a terrible father . Now go . Get on a plane and go" and I yelled at him and screamed "WHERE AM I SUPPOSE TO GO?" and then he said "anywhere but here ." And he continued to write stuff down and said it so calmly . So I got up and left . Went home packed my bags and left, and sent your mother divorce papers three weeks later , and had my lawyer tell her I just couldn't do marriage anymore . I couldn't tell her the truth . It would've ruined her . and then years later she shows up to my diner drunk . She was there for a business trip . She then just mumbled a lot of words and kissed me and told me to shut up and never talk about it . she comes back 2 weeks later and tells me she's pregnant . with twins . i helped her through it as much as she'd let me because she was still so furious with me . 9 months later she gave birth to you and your brother . I went back to my house to set your guys stuff up . She rang my door bell and left you guys in the strollers with a note that said "you left me . now I left you . one drunken mistake means nothing . I have a job, a life now please Robert.." so I took you guys and raised you and she never came back baby ,and then Luci asked me "who's jackie dad?" I had to answer. Jackie well Jackson is your brother . "are you kidding me another brother" she says and she's laughing so I smiled and remembered how she'd always make the best of any situation. "I know you would've stayed if you he hadn't of said all those things to you . You are a great dad . And you didn't deserve that ." She said with a smile and walked back up to her room .

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