High Progesterone Impacts Implantation?

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Nothing much happened in the initial luteal phase, as always. I was going to do my boosts, but I wasn't doing all three. Instead I was doing just the one like a lot of other people end up doing (I can't actually find anyone that does three ovidrel booster shots, usually just one a week after the trigger). So that was my plan.

Then I went to follow through with the plan and take my booster... but I had no needles! So I had no way to draw the meds out and inject them into me. So I waited, planning on getting more needles in the morning. When morning came, I did my bloods to check I ovulated after all, and that afternoon they came back in.

My P4, or progesterone, was at 44! Which is about equivalent of someone at the END of their first trimester of pregnancy, according to google. And with lots of research, it seems the minimum for successful pregnancy is about 7, but most places try for at least 10, and for IVF and other medical interventions they need to be 15-20.

I was double that.

A really good study I found looked at IVF procedures, comparing progesterone levels with fresh versus frozen transfers. And they found that those who had higher progesterone levels actually benefitted from waiting for their progesterone to decrease before the transfer (frozen transfer) and had a higher pregnancy success rate. It was suggested that higher progesterone levels can make it more difficult for the egg to implant into the endometrium.

I've always had a lovely, thick endometrium. I've always been told that it's a perfect little spot to grow a baby, does everything right, it's just my ovaries that don't want to release the egg to become that baby. And my progesterone levels at my blood draws seem to support the fact I've always felt my progesterone to be fine, I've always had a good luteal phase and everything seems well in that area.

So when my results came back, I decided since I'd missed the day for my booster, I wouldn't bother with it anyway. It's just to raise progesterone, and I felt like I didn't need it.

And sure enough, I think my hunch worked, because at 7dpo I got what I feel is implantation!

7dpo, I went to the toilet (TMI WARNING!!!) and urinated, and afterwards I glanced into the toilet to flush (my lovely, pristine clean toilet as we had a rent inspection coming up and I'd just cleaned it extra well). And I spotted... something. It was tiny, less than the size of a five cent piece, only a few millimeters across. It was like a mix of blood and mucous, like a mucous plug that some women lose during pregnancy, but soooooo much smaller.

I almost missed it, it was so tiny, and I found myself wondering if this was implantation bleeding? My own little version of it. Not everyone bleeds, but this was the closest I'd come to having an implantation bleed. And sure, I've never heard of this before, but also, it was so tiny and such a crazy chance that I even noticed/saw it! So I have my hope and suspicions, and if it was implantation, that means in a day or two I might just be able to see a positive line!

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