Follicular Phase & Cancer Concern

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This went fairly smooth. No side effects this time from the Letrazole (last cycle I had blurred vision). I took Letrazole from Saturday the 19th to Wednesday the 23rd of June.

My Blood test results were as follows:

Starting the cycle on Saturday the 19th, CD3: E2 = 111, P4 = 1.2.

First of the monitoring bloods on Friday 25th, CD9: E2 = <85, LH = 6, P4 = <1.0 aka awaiting estrogen rise.

Bloods on Monday 28th, CD12: E2 = <85, LH = 7, P4 = <1.0 aka awaiting estrogen rise.

Bloods Thursday 1st of July, CD15: E2 = 381, LH = 4, P4 = <1.0 aka estrogen rising.

Bloods Friday 2nd of July, CD16: E2 = 683, LH = 4, P4 = <1.0 aka ovulation approaching.

It was this same morning, Friday the 2nd of July, that I had my ultrasound. On my right ovary I had 15 follicles, two of which were measurable for potential ovulation (but only just) at 9-10mm. On my left ovary, I had my biggie, my dominant follicle, ready to ovulate at 22mm, as well as 2 other potentials if I didn't ovulate soon, at 9-10mm, with a bunch of smaller ones bringing that total to 14 follicles.

My uterus had a beautiful lining... but the actual uterus was being a little funky. It was retroverted, which is normal for me. Instead of flopping forwards towards my belly button, it flops backwards towards my spine. I've the theory that this is the cause of my chronic constipation, as my uterus cramps and presses on my bowel. But that wasn't the funky thing... My uterus was twisted, spinning around at the cervix and somehow wrapping around itself. I don't really know, I could see what she meant on the ultrasound, and she didn't seem concerned too much, but it was weird and I don't know much about it.

The thing that she DID find concerning was a little 2mm follicle on my ovary that wasn't quite right... It looked like one edge protruded inwards, so that instead of being a little bubble of liquid, it was a tight c shape. She wasn't sure what was up with it, and was more just interested by it and called it 'probably a little piece of tissue' until she checked the flow of blood to the area. I came in and said "there's blood flow to it' and she nodded.

Apparently the blood flow makes it concerning. Why, I'm not sure. I have theories, but they are as uneducated as any others. I have endometriosis, so I wonder if it is perhaps that. I do know, however, that benign ovarian cysts do NOT have blood flow... so perhaps this isn't benign. She said it wasn't there last month, and whatever it was, it's been spotted fairly quick, so for the moment there's nothing much to do. Either I will be scanned again next cycle if I do OI again, or I'll fall pregnant and get an early scan. Or, if I don't do another OI cycle, I have to go back in 6 weeks to make sure whatever it is goes away, and most definitely does not get bigger.

Honestly, I'm scared. My family has had ovarian cancer, amongst many other cancers. And I've had a lot of trauma on my ovaries in the past, cysts and surgeries alike. I'm hoping desperately that it's nothing, but if it is something I just want it to be endometriosis making a return. Not cancer. Please.

But that went well, and I awaited my results, aware that the follicular stage of my cycle was coming to an end, and ovulation was about to begin.

Trying to Conceive - Against the Doctor's Directions!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin