chapter 17

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Time skip at home

A/n pov
She went inside and saw suga jin nd jhope sitting there

Jin:how is ur result y/n?

But she ignored and went to her room

Suga:whatsup with her?

Hope:did she fail again?


Y/n pov
I want to cry so that I can prank him but tears what will I do umm,ha I got it.......

Timeskip at jungkook reached home

Jk pov

I went inside and saw everyone in the living room except y/n

Jk:where is y/n?

Jin:she is upstairs


Tae:don't know


I went to her room and saw her crying I went near her

Jk:why is my princess crying

Y/n:oppa promise me that u won't punish me if I say something bad

Jk:I will try

Y/n:I got a B in maths

Y/n pov
When said that oppas eyes turned into anger

He said with anger


And he dragged me down stairs.

Sorry for a short chapter.....

To be continued........
Hope you like it
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