Chapter 8. November Tea - 8 Months Ago

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A calm soothing tone of     voice, confidence in  this new world he's creating, beckoning and    leading  his audience as he  adds and smooths

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A calm soothing tone of voice, confidence in this new world he's creating, beckoning and leading his audience as he adds and smooths. This is Wei Ying's magic. Suddenly its a face, with expression and life, subtle color to add contrast, a complexion with the perfect hue, eyes that appear real. Good enough to be confused for a photograph, and Lan Zhan realizes he's lost two hours watching this, but his heart doesn't feel heavy, his breathing is steady.

Like this he is Lan Zhan, Wei Ying's Lan Zhan. In these quiet perfect moments, he has energy and strength, grief held at bay, expectation distant. He is himself and he's content.

Wei Ying has given him this...peace. Something meditation and work for all he tries to help others, to protect and serve his community has never is this that gives him hope.

He was simply a fan. Loyal love. A sigh was lost to the sunlight. Maybe he did have a problem.

Lan Zhan supposes that of all the places to realize you have a problem, a modern tea shop in the heart of Caiyi city is not the worst place it could happen. Better here than his monthly dinner with Shufu and Brother.

He has one photo of Wei Ying, taken with permission and he thinks that's restraint. It's his home-screen picture nevertheless and every time he sees it, it nurtures the flame in his chest. Wei Ying holding A-Yuan at the table in Yiling one month ago, both smiling.

Shufu says that its     absurd for a  cultivator of his skill to risk his life like this

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Shufu says that its absurd for a cultivator of his skill to risk his life like this. When he straps on his bulletproof vest, he looks at this picture now as a ritual and thinks, that if he dies today, he'll carry this image in his mind, in his heart as he goes. If its also the last thing he looks at before sleep, and the first thing he looks at when he wakes...well no needs to know about that.

It's his phone. Its his heart.

Wei Ying smiles at the camera in the video and in his ear, he hears him thank his patrons Wangji and Zhongying, for this question. His ears burn red, but its beautiful to watch A-Yuan come into view holding his soft toy bunny. And Lan Zhan's heart is suddenly too big for chest, when he sees that's it the same one he bought him in Yiling. A-Yuan hugs Wei Ying's leg and smiles happily up at him, saying "Baba." Wei Ying swoops down, brush pointed away and his kisses his head and A-Yuan giggles, before running off.

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