Elias crossed his arms and shook his head. "I think not king of demons. You will not get near the youngest princess of Sirens. You will go back to your family and await why you were sent here."

"The only thing I want is her head severed from her body!"

Hawks pulled Ivy into him and carried her up above all of them, which shocked most of them. "Good, I have all of your attention. No one is talking or getting anywhere near Princess Ivy, not until you hear the words of her elder sister Emma who should be here soon."

As Hawks finished speaking, Emma came in disappointed as she had a collar around her throat as Shiro and Klaus had the same collar around their necks as well.

"Everyone, please do not be hostile towards my younger sister. Everything I said on her day of courting before her fourteenth birthday is a lie. My elder brother Simon had told me that if I had Ivy taken out of the manor that he'd allow me to marry my guards. She's never slept with our brother or with her guards...and everything I had said that night...T-That was all me. That was all I wanted. I hated that she had our parents' attention that they loved her more than me. And once she was gone I had their attention and I couldn't do what I normally did anymore- I wanted her back here but neither one of them wanted her back because of my lies. Please...don't hate her...hate me instead."

All of the royals in the room were stunned, the demon king looked at Elias and Joel. "You two knew the truth...didn't you?"

Both of them nodded their heads. "We know where our boundaries are. We know that our princess is only our charge, nothing more."Joel said seriously

"We do what we can to protect her from the lies that spread of her, just because of hate that is placed upon her unjust."Elias said seriously

Klaus then spoke up. "As of now..Emma is pregnant with Shiro and I's child...and isn't allowed to take the throne of the sirens."

Shiro spoke up after him. "We have been stripped of our guarding duties and Emma has been stripped of her title as princess."

Ivy was then placed down by Keigo and she crossed her arms as she glared at Emma. "Well congrats on being a complete failure. I'm glad you know how to listen, you're no longer allowed to live here since the title 'princess' is no longer yours. Anything that was given to you as 'princess' is no longer yours. All you have is the two beside you and what is on your back. All of the money you earned as an idol will be reimbursed to you. But other than that-you will be on your own for what you've done. This is what you get for being greedy."

"Oh just shut your mouth! It's all because of you cheating that I am this way!" Emma hissed out coldly

"I did not cheat, like any good person would do. I have been practicing my magic, Joel and Elias can vouch for me for that. Now be gone Emma." Ivy said seriously

She huffed out and left with the two males, once she was gone all of the kings had placed out their sons her age. "You have your choices princess." The demon king stated.

"There is no need." Ivy said before she laced her hands with Kou and Keigo. "These two lovelies are my mates. They have been with me for longer than I've known any of your children. If any of you would have had a decent state of mind you would have seen through the lies and deceit that was right before you. But that's not the case. When the time's right I will take the throne with them by my side. To take the throne I must be twenty one years old, I am currently nineteen at the moment. So I cannot legally take the throne. Yes I have the power and the knowledge to do so-but that doesn't mean that I meet all of the criteria for the job. And No-no one is getting the position while I am away. In two years when I am twenty one I will be married to Keigo and Kou and I will take my position."

As she spoke her voice was stern and serious, she was very much not having anyone shit. The demon king spoke up, not taking the words that were spoken by the younger royal. "As the only royal blood of sirens-"

"Oh don't you start with that shit King Arturo! It was your family who had first made the statement to have me banished from my home at the age of thirteen! You realize there is no job out there that allows a thirteen year old to work for them! You sent an innocent child out in the world to fucking die! I realize you are demon but don't you have a fucking heart?!"

The king's ruby's eyes glared at her. "Respect your elders bitch!"

"Respect those above you sir. Joel, will you be a dear and escort the Bruno family out of the throne room."

"Of course princess, if that is what you wish." Joel said before he took his sword and wings out "Please leave the throne room before you are forced out."

As he spoke he was in front of the princess, his red eyes darkened. It was rather obvious that Joel was not messing around.

"You are a demon just like us, why side with a pathetic siren girl who won't do her duty?!" Arturo hissed out

"Do not say that about the princess! She is more than you'd ever be! She sees things you've never been able to see, she is open minded while you are close minded. Her heart is open to things your heart is shut to. Princess Ivy is under age, to be crowned queen here in the center of the country she must be the age of twenty one-as she had stated. I have seen her grow up to be the smart loving woman she is now. She has gained a name for herself outside of this place with many people who care and cherish her." Joel said seriously before his blade went straight up to the elder demons throat. "And I'd bite your tongue if I were you, you are walking on very fine ice."

At that time the King of the angels spoke up. "Princess, at the age of twenty one you will take your place yes?"

Ivy nodded her head sternly. "I will be King Fino. I have every intent since my parents are gone as is my elder brother. I am the last of my blood to be alive." She said as she placed a hand on her chest

"Then I will trust that you will do the right thing when the time comes. In two years times I will personally come back here to see if you are a woman of your word." Fino said seriously

"Thank you, King Fino. I am glad that I have at least your trust." Ivy said as she bowed her head towards him with her hand on her chest still

The angels then left as did most of the others who agreed with King Fino. The only ones that hadn't were the demons that weren't budging at all. It took Elias and Joel to take them all out of the manor. Once they were gone they met up with Ivy who was talking with a priest from the church.

"You will be crowned as queen the night of your twenty-first birthday. So do well for yourself." The priest stated

"I will priest Rosso. I am leaving this manor under the protection and care of the guards that are left from those who have departed. They will then join the ranks of guards who will be around me after I wed Keigo and Kou."

"Very well Princess. Take care of yourself."

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