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I still wearing my black leggings, tank sando top and a combat boots, I left my leather jacket, cap and shades to Lara

I don't want a heavy and more clothes if I'm gonna do this, I just bring my phone and knife that's in my hips and I put my hair in a low pony tail

"Ok be careful!" Lara said to me so I nod

I got out to her back door and past a few house and until I finally in her back door, I look around to make sure no one will see me and I go inside

The house was all dark well it's nearly 1, I slowly walk in the kitchen to the living room, making sure I don't make a sounds. I look at the drawer to find some files but it's just books when I know that there's no important there I go upstairs

Slowly I got to her room, I see her sleeping peacefully in her soft bed, argghhh I want to stab her right now but I control myself, I go to her drawers nothing, her desk nothing, her walk in closet nothing, her bathroom nothing, under her bed nothing all nothing

I sigh and get out making my way to her office that's 3 rooms away to her room, I walk in and roam my eyes to the room making sure no traps

When I know that there's no trap I go to her bookshelf nothing so I go to her desk, I scan it, I see so many papers in here but it's all of her project for this town so I sit in her chair and open her drawer but it's lock

I sigh and get a bobby pin and start to unlock it after 2 minutes I finally unlock it, I smile and I'm right she will always keep her important details or things to her

There it is the tablet, I grab it and open it, I see that there's a face recognition so I cover the camera by a duck tape and start my hacking, I have a drive and OTG so it's easy

I was finally able to unlock it, I start to hack it and there's so many files after a 15 minutes of looking I finally see what I was looking for, I smile to myself and open it

I don't want to take this file and later I will find out that this file is just another missing parts, I open it and read it

The famous actress Elizabeth Oslen got in a car crash with her sister Ashley Oslen and her secret daughter Y/N Oslen

The Car accident leads to a tragedy, Y/N Oslen die when the explosion happened while Elizabeth and Ashley Oslen just have a grazes. The driver of the track is drank........

I read all of what it said and, I close my eyes and when I open my eyes again there's a flashback


"Mommy come on, come on faster! The sun set was now setting" I see a kid I think she was 2 and jumping up and down then the woman, it was Lizzie

"Ok ok coming!" And they go with her and go to the shore sitting down where their feet reach the water

"Mommy someday I want to buy a beach and build our beach house so whenever we want to go in the beach we can go there!" Lizzie brush her fingers in the kids hair and smile

"Really honey? Well I can't wait for that so we can watch the sunset, sunrise and the night sky together!" The kid giggle and stand up

"I wish we always like this happy, I don't want to go anywhere, I wish someday we still do this and we never pull apart!" Then the kid make a hand print in the shore where the water could wash away

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