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LIZZIE (November 27, 2017)

I just got finished all my interviews of different TV shows and luckily I didn't have to film today for Avengers: Infinity War. I was driving to my house silently

I was looking back and forth of the rear view mirror and the road, tears escape my eyes remembering the good old times of me and my daughter here to our car, she was always singing, dancing, making jokes or telling me stories, her beautiful green eyes that reflect mines, her cheeky smile, her angelic laugh that music to my ears and her beautiful face that always making funny and adorable faces and in 2 months her 16th birthday will come

After the incident my life change, I buried myself of my job, crying all day and night, at the first months I was a mess I lock myself in our house especially in her room, blaming myself that I forgot my 4 years old daughter at the back of Ashley's car but I still look for her I hired many man to look for my baby, I already paid millions of dollor just to find her, I didn't believe what they were saying that she's dead and I'm not gonna believe that as long as I didn't see her dead body in front of me and for the guy who was driving he's already at the jail, it turns out that the truck didn't lose control instead the driver was drunk he can't barely form a word and stand by his own feet

My career blooms after months of incident, it take me years to let my heart love again and now I have Robbie my 1 year boyfriend, he know about my daughter I tell him everything and he was supporting me for what I was doing, he didn't believe that she was dead too. You see I manage to hide Y/N in the public eyes so she have a normal childhood and I want her to enjoy it and not worried about the people who's interested to my life and hers

I pull on in the drive way and made myself inside and to my surprised Kate and Robbie was there

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I said tired of the day

"Nothing we just want to check on you!" Kate said and I nod, they always check on me cause they know that I still didn't move forward

"Did you already eat?" Robbie ask and start to place a food in the dinning table

"Not yet!" And I sit there and Kate and Robbie joined me, I noticed that they have something to tell me so I stop eating

"Spill it!" I look at them and they look each other

"Ok!" Kate sigh "Liz well me and the family think that you...... Should stop!" I frowned my eyebrows and look at Robbie

"I'm not in this decision!" He said and bring his hand up in the air

"You have to be more specific Kate!" she take a deep breath and look at me

"You should stop looking for Y/N it's already bee-" I cut her off

"NO! No Kate I'm not gonna stop, I'm not gonna give up on my daughter! I know she was there somewhere else! I can feel it, I can feel that she's alive breathing!" I slam my hand to the table while standing up, anger take over me

"If you want to believed that she's dead then believe it but don't you DARE telling me to stop looking for her cause I know that she isn't dead!" I leave them there and slam my daughter door and sit in her bed

Her room isn't change, I didn't move or change her room, this room will remain the same, I just clean it but never wash anything of her belongies, I always smell her clothes and put her baby perfume if the smell fades away

I miss my baby, I miss her so much! I though and let the sleep take over me and lay to her little bed


Y/N was staring to roll back and forth to her bed in her small apartment, sweat and tears stream down her body and her small and whimper cries are the only noise in her apartment

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