Hot and Cold

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Another Monday means another afternoon in the room Benji and Mia had commandeered in the art building so they can be alone and get their work done as they chat. With Mia's busy schedule, these are the only times when Benji can catch up with her. The air outside is heavy and grey, the wind rattling against the light aluminum structure of the building that had been constructed only a few years earlier.

Sitting and staring at the painting before him—this one depicting distorted chopped up body parts floating through a field of red with silver bubbles suspended around them over what looks like a desert—Benji scrunches his face in concentration. This piece isn't giving him nearly as much grief as the previous one, but it still feels like it's missing something, the image within his mind's eye like a pair of slightly unbalanced scales that need only a feather or two to even out.

"So... how did things go with basketball boy?" Mia asks, breaking Benji from his focus.

"Oh, god. Don't even get me started," he says, pulling out his earbuds from where Dolly Parton's "Here You Come Again" blares in his ears as he all but throws his arms up in the air.

"Shit... I'm sorry, man. I hope things go better for you next time."

"No, you don't understand. Let me put it this way... He's a service top."

Realization dawns on Mia's face and she breaks into a grin as both her eyebrows shoot into her hairline. "Ohhhh."

"Yeah. But holy shit, it was incredible. Like probably the best I've ever had. And I'm seeing him again this week," Benji says, flicking away the fringe that had fallen into his face.

"Nice, look at you!" Mia says, holding her hand out. Benji gives her a high five, smearing paint all over her hand, which she wipes on her apron with a small smile. "Finally. Tell me about him, I wanna hear everything."

"Well, if I'm being honest, I was a bit... apprehensive about seeing him again," Benji says, chewing on his lip for a moment. "Like, he was so friendly. And it kinda weirded me out at first. He was asking me a lot of personal questions and like... he wanted to feed me. And before you ask, not just his dick. Like, actual food."

Mia narrows her eyes. "What sort of personal questions?"

"Like, what I'm studying, what my art history paper is on... that sorta stuff."

"So lemme get this straight. Or, gay, I guess... You were upset he was trying to be polite and respectful and not just jumping right to putting his dick in you."

"See, when you put it like that it makes me sound like an idiot."

"You kinda are," Mia says, rolling her eyes. "Even though I'm with Lake, if I was hooking up with a girl who actually talked to me and wanted me to feel comfortable, I would be fucking grateful."

"I realized that after I almost blocked him." Benji says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"If you actually went through with it, I would have honestly kicked your ass," Mia says, clicking her tongue. "He sounds really lovely, though."

"He is, actually. And did you know that after I got back to my dorm on Saturday I actually finished my whole paper over the weekend? His dick is like Adderall."

"Wait, I thought you weren't sleeping over anymore?"

"Me, too, but my whole body felt like jelly afterward so he was like 'you're too much of a mess to leave' and I just like. Fell asleep," Benji says with a shrug.

"Just don't get too attached," Mia warns, brandishing her torch in Benji's direction. "You know what they say about post-coital cuddling sessions."

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