Chapter 2: Pawns

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Han Sung had died a year ago. Today. Was it ironic then that Dan Se was being forced to meet with his brother's once affianced bride this morning?

Why did he have to face that girl today of all days?

Though his grandfather was now dead, his father had insisted that the best way that he could honor Han Sung was to take his place. First, among the hwarang. Now, in an alliance with the Man house.

Dan Se had his own reasons for following through with this marriage. Still, he walked with leaden feet towards her house. Privately mourning the death of his beloved brother.


He was shown into her private sitting room a few minutes later. He waited patiently for her to arrive. For half an hour. Finally, she entered the room silently. Shutting the door behind her.

He stared at her as she turned to face him. He hadn't seen her in more than a year. But she was still a tiny thing. Of course. She'd passed her twentieth year recently. She was done growing. Nearly a foot shorter than he was, she had barely achieved five feet in height. Maybe a factor of her shorter height, she had always been a little plumper than the average girl too.

Then he noticed her second most striking feature. Her long, gleaming locks flowed nearly to her knees. She had parted her hair in the middle, pulling just the front sections back with jeweled clasps. So that all of her gorgeous, midnight waves cascaded down her back. Except for one rebellious tress that had fallen forward over her shoulder. To cover her heart.

Her great, obsidian eyes were still the same. As she lifted them to gaze squarely into his own, he felt that same zing of recognition that always bit him when she glanced his way. Those eyes, instantly haunting him as they had when he'd first seen them as an adolescent, today appeared to be full of fire. And a fury which he could only guess was directed at him. He shivered under that direct gaze.

They were alone. She was unchaperoned. Of course, there was an understanding between their fathers. She belonged to Dan Se now. They were to be married in one week.

Mi Sook faced him with a stone-cold expression chilling her countenance. And he felt his second frisson of unease. It was clear that she was not pleased with this match. His heart sank.

Of course, she wasn't. She had adored his younger brother. Everyone had adored Han Sung. Why wouldn't she?

Dan Se cleared his throat. "Good day, Man Mi Sook." He bowed to her.

"Good day? What's good about it?" she barked at him.

He took a step back. Then he admitted, "Nothing."

"You're right. Nothing is good about today. Han Sung died a year ago today. You killed him! The only boy I ever loved!" Mi Sook cried out as she faced Dan Se.

"I know I did," he breathed quietly.

Taken aback by his bold statement of guilt, she watched as a tremendous tremor passed over his countenance. He turned away from her to stare out the window.

"I do not blame you for hating me. I hate myself. If you don't wish to marry me, I will not force you to. I was simply trying to honor Han Sung's memory. By taking care of his intended."

"You think to usurp his place?" she bit out the acerbic words. "You have taken his spot among the hwarang. Now you wish to occupy his space in my bed?"

He spun towards her then. "Would that I could raise him from the grave and occupy that bed of his myself! In his place, as it were!" he thundered menacingly. "Then you could have your precious Han Sung."

The Kinsman: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #5Where stories live. Discover now