My drug is my baby

894 13 24

request by @taylorsking🤍
tw: self-harming, panic attack, attempt of suicide?!
Still 2017

Joe's pov
Taylor has been shut lately, she doesn't answer my calls or texts and im worried cause im on filming in Ireland and she's in house that we rented on cornelia street.

Here im again calling her again.
"hello?" she answers. Finally.
"oh my god taylor!! Why don't you answer my calls or texts??" i ask immediately.
"i i I've been busy lately" she says but i can tell she's lying and i also notice tears in her voice.
"turn on camera i wanna see my gorgeous girlfriend"
"not now please im busy, may i call you later?" she asks and I sigh.
"sure" i answer and we hang up.

Taylor's pov
I know I've been lying to joe but i really can't tell him what am i doing to myself, especially self harming.
I have scratches down my arms and legs and thank god it's fall so i wear hoodies to cover them.

I take wine and turn on tv to see what's up there, switching channels and stopping at news where they talk about me.
"so she saw opportunity to get victimized and thought everyone was gonna get on her side"

Not this again

I switch channel and again

"she's too good, she's too skinny and it bothers me"


"she goes through guys like a train"


I scream as loud as i can and start crying, not this again. Why it has to be always me?!

I sip wine from glass and open Twitter which really was a bad idea.

no one believes you fake bitch @taylorswift13

taylor is such a fat fake bitch and money can't change that #taylorswiftisoverparty

GIRRLLLL I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS #taylorswiftisoverparty

I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT AND IM PROUD AF #taylorswiftisoverparty

I scroll down through tweets insulting my body, criticizing my date life, spreading hate.

#taylorswiftislovedparty is number one trending on Twitter worldwide and i feel week and start believing them.

"im that bitch im that snake im that fat bitch and they're true, all of these are true" i say over and over again and break the glass pouring wine on carpet.

I take knife again and scratch my legs down laughing like a psycho when i hear door being opened downstairs.

Armed breaker again?!

I take knife with me and hide in closet sobbing quietly.

"taylor?" i hear familiar voice. The voice i could recognize everywhere.

I go out from closet and face joe standing curiously and happily but his smile soon dissappears as he sees me.

Messy hair, bloody hands and scratches down my legs.

"taylor what did you do?!"
He rushes over me and hugs me.
"no-nothing i just uh Meredith scratched it"
"taylor seriously"
"im telling the truth joe!" i shout and start crying.
"okay okay shhh" he kisses my forehead and i rest my head in his neck breathing his scent.
"why did u comeback early again?"
"we finished filming soon and i wanted to surprise you" he answered.
"c'mon let's go to bedroom" he smirks and as soon as we get in room he takes off my clothes as i do same to him.

I wake up in the morning naked, joe staring at me.
"what happened?" i rub my eyes.
"you passed out in the middle of something" he sighed.
"im sorry?!" i blushed.
"taylor we need to talk"
As he said this i was on verge to pass out again, hope he didn't notice my big loss of weight.

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