Chapter 23

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"You knew each other??" They're all shocked. It's not that surprising since Izana and I are model.

"Why are you all shock? Izana is a model, so am I. We interact too many times" y/n said. Helping to cook some seafoods to eat.

"Yeah, you have a point" Emma said. Y/n return to cook some foods again. She's looking to the boys who's playing at the sea. They're all having fun.

After a couple of minutes, all of them are tired and hungry. They're returning with the stomach growling. The girls serves the food so they can eat up.

"Let's eat together!" Mikey said cheerfully. Then, the others followed him and take their seats. You left behind because you still needs to cook the last dish.

"Need some help?" Mitsuya asks. Looking at you. "No, last fried and it will be done" y/n said

Mitsuya nodded. And he just stand by besides you. You're just grilling the meat because it is better to grilled the meat than frying it.

"Done, let's go Mitsuya" y/n said while holding the grilled meat. She walks towards the table and the hungry guys, brighten up.

"You all are really hungry" y/n said laughing. Looking at their faces, they're so hungry, that they can eat all the foods at once.

"Let's eat!" They chug in to the food. Even though they're all eating, they're happy. Still have a bonding while eating. This is the Toman you always knew.

After that, you rest for a bit. Before, going to the sea. But suddenly Izana called you. You're annoyed but at the same time, Izana said that he's going to say something. So you meet him at the back alley.

"What is it?" Y/n asks.
"I just wanted to say, I want to take this maturity. Sorry, for being immature, I already knew that you're still in love with Takashi, I'm fine with that. You're avoiding me because you think that I'm going to do something stupid, right?" Izana said. He looks sincerely.

"Kinda" y/n replied, avoiding his gaze. "What's with the change of mood?"
Y/n asks.

"I can't be with someone, who I force to be with me. I just realized it just now. No, particular reason. But, don't be so awkward about the upcoming photoshoot" he said and walks away.

Y/n knew from the very start that Izana isn't an immature person, that always jerking around and make foolish actions. Y/n knew Izana for a long time.

"I thought you change" y/n whispered to herself. After the talk, y/n walks towards the bar and decided to buy a cocktail.

Y/n received the cocktail, and went back to their cottage. She noticed that Mitsuya is not with them. So she tried to find Mitsuya.

"Where's that guy?" Y/n started to walk around.

In a glimpse someone grabs her arms behind the wall. "What the hell?!" She almost shouted. And she saw Mitsuya smiling at her.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She asks little bit annoyed.

"Sorry Hun, I need to do something" he said. As he heard the voice of Takashi, she's melting. So the annoyance from him disappeared.

"So why the heck did you pull me"

Then, Mitsuya pulled something from his pocket. And you notice a small red velvet box. Y/n have no clue about this.

"I was trying to say, will you marry me?" He said softly. Y/n looks at him.
"What?!" She keeps staring at Takashi.

"Say yes, say yes!" The chant from the back said. Y/n turn around and saw the Mikey and others lining up holding a red balloon, cheering for Takashi.

"You've been planning this for the whole time...." Y/n smiled.
"Of course, it's a yes" she smiled at him. In a sudden shock Takashi hugs her and kiss her.

He slid the ring. "I love you as always. Y/n L/n. Mrs. Mitsuya soon" he smiled.
And the cheerleaders from the back started to shout.

"That's our man!" They laughed together.

"And that's the future, I always want."
Takashi said facing the grave of

"It's been 10 years y/n, you've been doing well up there? I hope so" he smiled cleaning her grave

"You always been the best person of my life. You're the best part among the rest... I hope I can see you again. Even though in a dream. I wanted to see you" he smiled bitterly.

"I hate you that you give up. You said you're not giving up? You betrayed me" he smiled bitterly once again.

"You always been my lover, wife, best friend...."

"And my bike buddy"


A/n: y/n is safe and forever will remember of Mitsuya. Mitsuya maybe living a happy life... And he moved on probably. May his family be happy and be safe.

𝐁𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐘 --- 𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊Where stories live. Discover now