𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 01

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HI GUYS! This is my first time doing anime c x reader. So bare with me!


You walk towards to the park, because you want to take a quick rest. As you seat there's a couple of boys doing something. You didn't bothered at all.

But they're too noisy, so you can't rest peacefully, you decided to take a quick sneak at them.

"Wow... A new edition of bike" you whispered.

You're interested in bikes because you can see it cool. (This is just my view)

"What are you doing? Young girl?" The tall man with blond braided hair asked me.

"N-nothing..." You go back to the bench. He's a creep, I thought I'm going to have a heart attack in there.

After 5 more minutes you decided to go home. You're living alone because you and your family is not in good term so you decided to leave by yourself.

"What should I do today? Hmm?" You opened the TV and max the volume so that you can hear it while in the kitchen.

"Another boring show, what else you can offer?" I asked angrily because it's the same show yesterday.

You already finished cooking and set up your meal in the table then suddenly somebody knocks at your door.

"Who's there?!"

"It's Mitsuya!" He shouted.

"Taka-chan" I greeted him.

"Stop calling me that, Mitsuya will do better" he said.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing I run away from home so Can I stay here for a moment?" He asked.

"What?! You run away again? Your sisters?! No you can't stay here, better to go and take care of your sisters" I madly said to him.

"Chill I ran away because mom is there, so they're better condition in there. Mom will stay for a week, that's why"

You nodded calmly. "Already eaten?" You ask him.

"Not yet" then he continue to the dining area. He really must be hungry? Huh?

"If you decided to ran away, you eat first. What if I'm not in here?" I said as I put some food in his plate.

"Humh..humhh.hummhhh..." yes he indeed hungry.

"So you're staying here for a week?" He nodded. "I better give you some spare keys" I go straight to my cabinet.

"Here" as you reached the keys to him. "Thanks" he replied.

"You don't have clothes?" He stand up and go outside maybe he prepared something tho.

When he entered, he has a backpack and a small case. "I don't have any extra room, so lay down the futon there" as I pointed the area beside my bed.

"Sure. Uh... Tonight I need to go somewhere" I nodded as an approvement

I don't care, where's he going. Outside the country or in another town. I don't care.

As the night came, Mitsuya go out as he said before. He's in his bike and wave at you.

You and Mitsuya are childhood friends that's why, you and him are close.

You're too bored, so you decided to go In some convenience store.

"What should I buy for him? Maybe should I give him a pudding?"

I grabbed the pudding and go to the cashier. "Takemitchi! I already told you stop fighting, look at you" I think it's Hina's voice.

"Yo, Hina-chan!"

"Hi! Y/n-chan! This is Takemitchi my boyfriend" Takemitchi wave shyly.

"Hi there! Y/n" you offered your hand

"I need to go now! Hina-chan... Draken-kun texted me" He said and run quickly.

"Is he a delinquent?" You asked Hina.

"Sort of, He has a friend who's delinquent" she said.

"I also have, but he's responsible tho" the cashier is calling you.

"Thanks" you and Hina walk because somehow you and Hina is in the same way.

"Goodbye! Hina-chan! See you at school!"


You go back to your apartment and saw nothing, there's no shadow of Mitsuya.

You sighed. And just read some textbook because of your quiz tomorrow.

"Should I review math first?" You just read and solve some questions. And you didn't noticed you fell asleep.

Someone is shaking you. As you opened your eyes, you saw Mitsuya. "You've been reading all this time? You must be tired go to your room and I'm going to clean here" you go straight to your room.

"So... Softtt" and you fell asleep again.

7:30 am

"Y/n-chan, wake up... We need to go to school"

You woke up and go straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You already saw Mitsuya wearing his uniform.

You're in different school as Mitsuya. So In the middle of the road you separate.

"Hina-chan! Takemitchi!" You called them.

"Morning Y/n chan!"

"Morning" you smiled at them. You saw akkun and others behind and you wave at them

"You have a lively morning, Y/n-chan" Akkun said.

"Why am I gloomy always?"

"No. You more like aggressive one" he laughed

"Ehhh? Should I act both? Hmm?" We just teasing each other as we reached the school gate.

"Bye! See you around"

The quiz is starting and you smiled because the one you read is the one in the test.

"What a relief...." The bell rings.

"Y/n-chan let's eat with others" you followed her.

As you walk towards to Takemitchi's room there's two guy talking to him. "Who's that?"

"That's Mikey-kun and Draken-kun, the president of the Toman and the Vice-president"

Oh. I see.

That-that guy! The creep one, what the hell?!

"Yo. Hina-chan" the small guy greet her

"Hi. Mikey-kun"

"Who's with you?"

"Y/n l/n" she introduced me.

"Mikey and this draken" he said. I nodded.

They join us in the cafeteria some of the student is starring to us because of this two.

"What a great meal! Bye!"

This might be short? Hmm? 971 words but I'll update everyday I will try.

𝐁𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐘 --- 𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊Where stories live. Discover now