Chapter 19

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Mitsuya's back story (this scene is not affiliated with Tokyo Revengers Manga.)

"Stay away from our granddaughter. You cause too much trouble for her! Look at her now, laying down their!"
Mitsuya is crying, didn't know what to do as of now.

He went straight to the shrine, where Toman meets. They saw how down Mitsuya is. Mitsuya is spacing out. "Mitsuya!" Draken called.

"What's wrong?" Draken asks. Then Mitsuya look at him. "Nothing, I feel sick..can I go home?" He said.

"Mikey?" Draken look at Mikey's way. "Sure, take care of yourself" he said then, Mitsuya drives all the way to
y/n's apartment since he has a spare of keys.

Y/n's things are gone, her family packed it up. Mitsuya lay down to
y/n's bed, looking at the ceiling. "How come things is so.fucked up" he said.

Deep sigh. Silent cries..filled the room."Why my strength is laying down in the hospital bed?" He asks.
Deep thoughts, overthinking is taking Mitsuya, right now.

He didn't know what to do now, He's scared of losing you. "Why..." Mitsuya knew that he doesn't have any chance to meet you again.

After that rough month, Mitsuya didn't heard a single news about y/n. Where she lives or Where her school at. Mitsuya don't have any clues. He tried to go to y/n's house, but there's no one.

He tried his best to find you but ended up, y/n is nowhere to be found. "Can you help me out to contact y/n?" Mitsuya asks his gang.

So in the middle of writing my crush rejected me ;))

Mitsuya go back to y/n's apartment and he saw a car near the door. Mitsuya ran towards the door and saw y/n. "Y-"

"Uhm? Who are you?.... I need to go" y/n said as he saw Mitsuya, she is confused why there's a guy in her apartment

"I-... Nothing, I went in a wrong apartment sorry" then Mitsuya left. He is in the back yard of the apartment building. Sitting down there. "Ho-how come?! Why she didn't know me??"

Mitsuya is crying right now, he didn't know what to do with you. He is thinking that there's only 1% of taking you back.

Then, suddenly Hakkai came out. He is standing in front of crying Mitsuya. "What's wrong Taka-chan?" He sat down beside him.

"You look down" he continued. "She didn't know me." Mitsuya replied. "She forgot me" he continued.

"I never been in love, I don't know what to comment but in your state.... it's better to rest and make a clear decision tomorrow... When loving someone be ready for the consequences... Prepare to heal yourself" Hakkai said.

"You don't have any mature break up, right now. Because both of your situation is worst. Better to keep in mind that two of you never broke up" He added.

"She didn't say that she wants to break up, same as you, you didn't say that you want to break up. And easily put. There's no break up between you two."

Mitsuya look up. "What if... She didn't know me at all in the future" Mitsuya said.

"Nothing is impossible... So chin up and be positive as always Taka-chan. " He added before turning his back to Mitsuya.

Mitsuya sighed. "Hakkai has a point, we never broke up"
"But still... I want to find her."

Mitsuya go back to his house. Luna And Mana are sleeping. So he went to his room and lay down. "I'm going to be better and find you" he said to your picture at his room.

In other day. (3rd Person POV)

Luna and Mana woke up. They peak at their Oni-chan's bed and they saw Mitsuya sleeping

"Oni-chan been down lately, what happened?" They asks each other. "I saw him crying last last night... Maybe we can call One-chan" Luna suggested.

After a long dial. No one picks up. "We got the wrong number?" Luna mumbled. "What are you two doing?" Mitsuya Finally woke up.

"Nothing... We already eaten, so you eat there" Luna said smiling.

"Oh, that's good....I will be out early right now, make sure to lock the doors and double check the outlets. If you're going to the park, tell me now" Mitsuya said.

"We're going to stay here" they said.
"We don't want to have any cause of pain to Oni-chan" they whispered.

After Mitsuya ate. He bid his goodbyes to his siblings and went to the shrine. He told some of his gang mates to help him to find y/n. Whatever it takes.

"So, I will be leaving now. I'm going to start finding her" Mitsuya said and ride his bike.

After a long drive. He didn't find any leads, and also the gang mates there's none.

"Good work everyone thanks for the help" Mitsuya said. And he go to the bridge to stand by.

"Y/n, we used to stay here and feel the breeze. Where are you now,? Why there's no leads about you?" He said slightly there's a tears falling down.

"My strength is gone... My energy source is gone....please come back" he mumbled In the air.

We used to visit here Everytime. To vent and To be happy.

We used to be the comfort of each other.

We used to be the home of each other.

We used to exchanged our I love you's

I always love you... Everytime and Everywhere.

2 years of healing
5 years of changing
3 years of fulling yourself.

Mitsuya Takashi a Fashion Designer built his own shop

"Congrats!" The Toman guys said bottoms up.

"Thanks" he said smiling and doing bottoms up with them.
"We heard y/n is a famous model now" Chifuyu said.

"Yeah, I heard about that..." He replied.

"Hehe. Taka-chan is always updated about y/n-chan. From the debut of her to the most famous model right now" Hakkai said teasing.

"Stop it" Mitsuya said.
"How did you know that she's a model?" They asks.

"Some communications, I heard that there's a pretty trainee that will going to debut soon and y/n is her I'm positive that y/n I've been looking for is her" He said.

" And positive it's her" Mitsuya said smiling

After they talked. There's some model who is in the grand opening event. And one of them is y/n.

"There she is" Mitsuya pointed y/n. And the Toman guys are shocked.

"Congratulations, Mitsuya Takashi... Right?" Y/n said.

"Yes, Ms. Y/n L/n" and they shakes hands.

I don't know if this one is lame..hehe need some comments ;))

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