𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 02

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Mitsuya ask you to go with him tonight in something.

"Should I ride with you or what?" You ask him.

He's wearing again the black uniform that he's been wearing every night.

"What's that? A gang uniform?"

He nodded. "Oh. All gang has their uniform? Because I met this bunch of asshole with white uniform"

He turn himself to me. " They're beating some people, and they don't have any mercy for women. It was so close of me, I almost getting involved tho I know how to fight"

"Who? White uniform? Is that moebius?"

"How will I know?"

"If anything happens to you, call me right away." He said worriedly.

"Let's go now"

You sit at the back. "Hold to me or you will fall" so you hold to his jacket but he moved your hands and you back hugging him now.

You blushed for a moment because you're not used to it.

He's warm... Why. Why I felt comfort towards him.

"We're here" tonight we are in the shrine there's a lot of motor bikes in here.

"Is this your gang?" He nodded.

They're like in the school, same uniform. With tough look. Wait is that Mikey?

"Yo. Mikey" Mitsuya greeted him.

"Hey! Mitsuya! Oh... Hi there y/n"

Mitsuya seems he's confused because Mikey know me.

"I met him at my school" I said.

"Is y/n-chan, your girlfriend?" Mikey ask him directly. We scoffed in unison.

"Oooohh~" Mikey cooed.

"No.. we're not in relationship or something, we're just friends"

"Ehhh?! Why not?!" Mikey seems so disappointed.

"What do you mean why not?"

"You two look good together?" He said like a baby.

"Ehhh?!" You and Mitsuya blushed.
Stop it. Mikey-kun. I'm going to explode in here.

"S-stop" You laughed awkwardly

"Jahh.. let's go up" When Mikey noticed the awkward atmosphere.

"Let's y/n chan" Mitsuya offered his hand. As you go up, you hesitated at first but you still grab his hand.

"This Toman, We created this gang. Tokyo Manji Gang" he said.

What a nice name. "Hmm? Is your gang? Do something cruel or what?"

"We're bike gang but some of the gang doing something cruel to us" I nodded.

"The president is now holding a meeting!" Draken shouted ( I forgot what is Draken lines when Mikey helding a meeting)

He's so powerful. Mikey keeps talking now he's mad of something.

And he mentioned Moebieus, Mitsuya mentioned it earlier. So they're going to fight with Moebieus.

"Taka-kun... Fighting again?"

He nodded. Well. Takashi is Strong, I'm sure of it.

Then.. why is he bringing me here. "Now! Mitsuya is going to say something"

"so my friend almost getting involved with Moebieus... But gladly she escaped so under my division, I want you to guarantee y/n-chan safety for now on!" I'm shock for a moment.

"Yes!" Under second division.

Somewhat I have butterflies in my stomach. Why? Why are you doing that? Mitsuya?

So Mikey already dismissed the meeting.

"What the hell was that?"

"Hmm.. nothing, just for your protection" he said while scratching his head.

I stayed quiet. Should I assume something? Or is he doing this because we are friends? Maybe?

"Let's eat somewhere" he said. "My treat" he continued.

So you went in a restaurant, it's just a Japanese restaurant because it's late night, some of the restaurant is already close.

He asked you what you want. (Fave Japanese food of yours) and you wait until the waiter approach you.

"Perhaps, are you two dating?" The waiter asked.

"N-no" you said panicking, why would everyone thinks that we are dating.

"Oh. That was disappointing" Waiter said. I look at him awkwardly.

"You don't need to be awkward if everybody is thinking that we're dating tho."

"But you..."

"Me? It wasn't awkward at all" he said calmly.

"Oh ok" the food is being serve, so yummy. You took your favorite meal and Mitsuya chuckled so you stop.

"Why? What so funny?" You asked innocently.

"Nothing, remember when we're in the middle school. You don't like foods, you're so picky and look at you now"

Oh. And you continue ignoring him, well food is life.

"Eat now, stop staring at me." You said .

When you two finish eating, you stretch out a bit before going to the parking lot.

"Hey! Mitsuya... I'm wondering... Are you dating with someone or maybe you have a girlfriend?" You asked.

"I don't have any... If I have, do I have any chance to meet and hang out with you?"

Well. It make sense. "But? Do you like someone... Hmm?"

"Why? You bringing this now? Perhaps-" he smirked.

"No way! I hate you... Don't smirk" I might fall.

"HAHAHAHA. How about you?"

You looked up in the sky with bright stars above, twinkling sweetly. "Well.... I don't have but..."


"But nothing! Let's go it's getting late tho." Since Mitsuya is living with you, you don't bothered at all.

"Yes. Finally. Uhh... Mitsuya"

He turn to you. "If ever.. don't Injure yourself in your upcoming fight. I know it's impossible but be safe... Or else I'll join you!"

He faced you and wondering something and he laughed. "Ehh... You're worried about me? Don't worry I won't die"

"I didn't even say that you will die! Asshole!"

"Goodnight, Y/n-chan~" he winked before going to the bed

He really know how to turn on girls. What a man...

Sorry if some of my grammar is wrong but I'm happy if you're going to correct me.

𝐁𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐘 --- 𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя