ρoιnт вreaĸ : nine

969 62 14

I'm nervous. The day of the competition has finally arrived and I can't seem to relax. I want to crawl under my sheets and pretend to be sick.

"Taylor?" Aunt Lana calls as she knocks on the door. I'm tying my hair into a ponytail as she comes in. "You ready? The car's all packed to go."

"I struggle with the ponytail, my hands slipping through the blonde strands. Eventually I give up and sigh out.

"I take that as a no?" She says as she walks over. "Here let me try." I hand over the scrunchie and let Aunt Lana work her hands until she forms the perfect ponytail.

"I'm nervous," I confess. "What if this was all a mistake? I can't go against those girls, they've been surfing for years!" I think of Ida. She's yet to take me up on my offer to talk. Today at the competition, would be my first time seeing her since the luau.

"Well, I can understand being nervous. But Taylor, if I didn't think you were ready or Kai, we wouldn't let you put yourself out there like that. It's all a matter of confidence. You've got something in there girl." She says as she smoothes my hair back. "Now's the time to let it out."


There are hundreds of people, sitting on towels and chairs, propped under large umbrellas and camped along the beach. Judges sit at a table under a booth on one end. On the other is where the surfers are to sign in. This year the competition is really directed at the female surfers.

Thanks to Becca, I have a board, though I miss my own. I've grown accustomed to Becca's board though, since I've been practicing so much with it. Aunt Lana and Uncle Mike head to find somewhere good to sit, where photographers and people with video camera aren't blocking the view. It's when I'm signing in that a hand loops around my waist, strong and caring. Lips carress my neck and I smile.

"Hey!" I say as I turn around and give Kai a hug. He responds heartily and hugs me back.

"Hey! You ready to win?" He asks. I place my number against my stomach and follow him away from sign in.

"Yeah, or lose." I say with a shrug.

"You won't lose. You're too good."

"So's everyone else," I quickly respond. I look around and manage to locate a few other surfers. They're stretching, laughing, or enjoying themselves while I'm freaking out. I even spot Ida, who looks stunning in a black two piece, her hair wild around her face. She doesn't need to do any crazy rituals, she's got this in the bag.

"But you're not everyone else. You're not Ida either." He says and I frown at that. How does he knew I'm thinking of her? "Just be yourself Taylor and you'll be fine."


The competition begins after an announcer gives the usual wecome. He then begins to go through the rules, most of which I know already. The first part of the competition is strictly half an hour of catching waves. Depending on the height and how long. You ride it, are explained as authors.

I walk toward the edge of the water along with the other females. Beside me stands Ida.

"You don't have a chance," she says with a smirk. There's the sound of the countdown in the distance. I grip my board tight in my hand.

"We'll see," I say.

The buzzer goes off and like the other girls, I run into the water. It's cold, but my wet suit eases that most. I start thinking of everything that Kai taught me. Eyes open, I try to pay attention. Then I see it, a good enough wave guaranteed to give me some starter points. I start to paddle toward it. I'm coming to a stand when, already positioned is Ida and she's riding the wave like a pro.

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