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You like always, playing game on your phone with your idiot toxic friends who keep toxic non stop

"Ai, fast la! So slow" said your friends who pushing rank with you

"Ala, chill la. It's not we gonna lose" you replied and keep on pushing rank with your friends.

"You too chill y/n. We're almost lose you idiot! " your friends shouted at his mic.

"And you too toxic. Chill la. I'm the one who carry the team. Not you" you replied calmly

"I wonder how the heck does I had friends like you" said your friends

"I also wondering how I could be friends with someone toxic like you" you replied savagely and all of sudden, your toxic friends stop talking and AFK

You noticed he already left the game but you ignore it and keeps on playing. In the end, you win and gets MVP.

After you done with game stuff, you close your phone and gets up and sit on your learning table

Since your computer on your learning table, you open your computer and began watching some dank meme and watching some vocaloid song

Your favourite vocaloid was Memesquad. But your mostly favorite is Vflower because you thought she was Badass and cool

While you watching some talkoid, pop up show front of your computer


Free Vocaloid Download

Click Here!


You look it closely.. You really wanted you to 'click here' but your brain said not to click the 'click here' because It says the Virus could maybe enter your computer if you click that link. But your heart said to click that link

You think a while before remembering that you ever download Minecraft free on your phone. But you already delete that because you want to support the creator

You look again at the pop up

You then follow your heart and move your computer mouse and click that 'click here! '

When you already click that link, it bring you to weird web that said Download Your Fav Vocaloid free. Com

There lot vocaloid. But.. Most in there are not.. Popular one or already forgotten like Kanon and Anon, Piko, Gachapoid, Sweet an and Kiyoteru

You try to search the Banana and Orange twins but there said you could't access them. You scroll around until you found Vflower

You think for while.. Aren't Vflower is quite Popular?

You told to youself to think about it later on your heart and move your computer mouse and click Vflower

Then pop up come out

You sure?

[Yes] [No]

You somehow find this quite annoying. You look around and Click yes

Then the another pop up come out


Now download vocaloid:



You wanted to wait but since it's already 3 at the morning, you decide to go your soft bed and sleep

After 18 minutes... You feels like there some blue light hit your eyes. But because are too sleepy, you look another way and take your [anime character/cartoon ] blanket and cover your head

You feels you hear someone walk your room but you just ignored it cause you thought that maybe your under bed demon trying to scared you or something

ARE YOU JUST COME OUT FROM MY COMPUTER?! [Vflower x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now