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I jumped excitedly unknowingly and Jinnie laughed.

Me: But...can i get three ice creams....PLSSS

Jinnie: Thats a lot of sugar Bub

I pouted.

Me: But-

Jinnie: Not buts, you know it will make your tummy feel upset. Plus, tomorrow is the evaluation day

Me: hmmff...fine...but can I get one ice cream and a bag of gummy's....

I stopped walking waiting for his answer.

Jinnie sighs

Jinnie: Fine. But nothing more ok? I don't want my baby to get sick

Me: Yayyy!! Okok!

Suddenly the call ended. "Did I make him mad...?" "Oh n-" "AAAHHHH" I felt someone grab me. I heard someone laughing and I open my eyes just to see an UGLY LLAMA LAUGHING AT ME!

I hit his shoulder repeatedly "Stupid-" "Llama!" I frowned. "I'm sorry" he continues laughing. I start to walk away. "Wait for me!" He chuckles and grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. "You scared the shit out of me Hyunjin!!!" I whined fake crying. He stops walking making me stop too. "Pls don't call me by my name...it's weird.." he made a disgusted face. I looked at him and did the same. "I know right..." we tried to suppress our laugh but we couldn't handle it and burst laughing. "I will not do it again" "only if it's a serious talk" I laughed. "Yes pls" we continued to walk.

Jinnie bought ice cream, the one with the containers and my bag of gummy's like he promised to get for me. And we made our way to the train. "Where are we going?" I looked confused. "I will take you to this new place that I found by myself wondering around" he said as we got in the train.

We just spend our time talking till the train stops and Hyunjin takes my hand to get out. We just kept walking, away from the city till we see a kind of a forest. "What are we doing here...?" I looked at the place. "Follow me" he drags me and we start getting in the mini forest. There was like a hidden path. We got at the top fast since it wasn't that long. When I see in front of me, there were "swings?" I looked at Hyunjin weirdly. "I know right?" "But it's kind of cool" "Here, let's sit on the swings" we sat and admire the scenery. "The sky is pretty" I smiled. "What do you think about making this place 'our spot'?" He smiles at me and I nodded excitedly. "Our spot" I chuckled admiring his features.

"How was your last practice?" He starts moving the swing. "It was good actually" "We are ready for tomorrow" I smiled. "How was your day?" I said and he sighed. I quickly turned my gaze at him. "Was it that bad..?" I was starting to get worried. "It's just..our dance teacher keeps demanding things and it's exhausting" "Our math professor gave us a surprise quiz" "Wich thankfully I pay attention to the class but it was still a bit difficult" "Some girl has been acting weird towards me and it's fucking annoying" He brushes his long beautiful hair back. I frowned when he told me a girl was bothering him. But right now it's not the time to get mad. I breathed and played with his hair with one hand since the swings are close to one another.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." "It will get better" "Plus, you are the best dancer I know" I smiled. "My boyfriend is the best" I faintly chuckled and pecked his cheeks. We stayed minutes silent, then I decided to break the silence because of my curiosity and worries. "How long has this girl matter been going on...?" I calmly asked still playing his his hair. "About two weeks I guess....?" "I don't know what to do" "She is so annoying" "Thanks to Minho she has been a little more distant" he takes one gummy and ate it. I hummed and stopped playing with his hair. "You know you can reach or talk to me" I smiled a bit.

"I know, I just didn't want to bother you when you were having a rough week" he smiled, ruffling my hair. I 'hit' his hand away. "No matter of what am I going through, I will always be able to help you or be there for you when you need me, ok babe?" I pecked his lips. "Also-" "Don't mess up my hair!" I laugh. And that made him laugh. Good, I like to see you happy..

I received a text. "Give me a moment" I smiled and turned on my phone seeing that Lix texted me. I opened the message and frowned.

Lixie 🐥

Innie..can you come to the dorm now...pls....

"I think something happened to Lix..." "I got to go.." I looked at Jinnie. He nodded and we stood up, then, his phone dings. He opens the message and looks at me. He shows me and I sighed.

Chan hyung 😎

Can we hang out?

"Shit..." I breathed out. We hurriedly went back to the train station to make our way back.

Hi!! Long time no see guys!! Hehe...

I hope you liked this chapter

Sorry for the misspelling errors

Also, sorry for the long wait..as you know, this book will get slow updates but I promise to finish it.

Btw I'm not ready for the art stray kids will give us... :)

Pls support them!

Stay happy and healthy!💗

Love uuu💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

//𝒩ℯ𝒞𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒞ℯ🀍// ℋ𝓎𝓊𝓃𝒟𝓃 𝒻𝒻Opowieści tętniące ÅŒyciem. Odkryj je teraz