Blurred Lines

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AN: This is actually one of my favourite oneshots I've written so far, and it's the longest, coming in at 3.6k words. Enjoy :)


3 times Peter Parker bleeds into Spiderman


In this universe Peter tells May he's Spiderman. He's all she's got, and he can't pretend what he does isn't dangerous. He can't pretend he won't go out to patrol one night and get seriously injured, or worse.

No he can't do that to her.

Understandably, May loses her shit, and is very close to forbidding Peter to go out as Spiderman. It takes Peter breaking down and confessing that he thinks it's all his fault that Ben died. He should have been quicker, faster, stronger. He should have been better.

May's heart breaks. She should have known Peter would never stop being Spiderman, even if she tried to force him to stop. He's always been very empathetic, always wanted to help everyone, even at the cost of himself.

So all she does is, instead of yelling at him, gathers him up in her arms, and holds him, until the tears calm down. After that, she wipes away his tears, brushes his curls out of his face and kisses his forehead.

She sets a curfew, midnight on school days and 2am on the weekends. If his grades drop, patrol is reduced until they go back up.

Peter agrees immediately, glad that she isn't making him stop. They stay curled up on the couch, watching Property Brothers until May has to leave for her shift at the hospital.

Things change ever so slightly after May finds out. Not a lot, but Peter doesn't have to worry about hiding it from her now. The only proper change is the decorations in his room.

New York loves Spiderman, on the whole, and isn't afraid to show it. Street food cart owners wave at him as he swings past, grandmas pinch his cheeks, grateful mothers buy him snacks as a thank you for carrying their groceries as they herd their kids across the street.

But his favourite reactions are the kids.

They look at him with unfiltered awe, unafraid to show their happiness. Their eyes twinkle with excitement, and Peter makes sure to always greet them, either with a high five, or make friendly conversation.

His favourite thing though, is the art. The first time he gets a drawing, he almost cries, but only just manages to reel it in. It's absolutely mind-blowing that kids would draw him swinging through the city, protecting people against monsters, when when he was their age, he would do the exact same thing, only with Iron Man instead.

The first drawing he gets is of him carrying a dog. The girl who gives it to him, Amelia, is only 4, and instantly rambles on about the time he saved her dog from getting run over. He stares at the drawing with utter reverence. The picture is actually pretty good for a 4 year old, but honestly, it could have been the worst drawing in the world for all he cared. He gives the excited young girl a hug, before swinging away.

Peter Parker/Spiderman One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now