Chapter 1

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Hi there! I originally published this on, but I've decided to move it across to here as well. I hope you like it!

Enoch lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was well past midnight and he was exhausted, but as much as he tried to force sleep, his insomnia, bane of his bloody existence and the cause of the dark circles ever-present under his eyes, kept him awake. He scowled, abandoning another night's futile efforts, and sat up, pulling some clay from the drawer beside him and starting to model it into the shape of a homunculus. He'd almost completed it when there was a commotion from outside. Enoch paused to listen.

High-pitched, girlish crying, sounding like that of Olive or Claire.

A low, comforting voice. Bronwyn?

Then came the unmistakable voice of Miss Peregrine. Enoch tilted his head, but still couldn't make out what she was saying. Normally he wouldn't care about the petty problems of Miss Peregrine's youngest peculiars, but tonight he welcomed the distraction and besides, his clay was far too hard for a decent homunculus.

Opening the door a crack, Enoch peered out into the hall.

"I understand your distress Claire my dear, but you can hardly blame Mr Somnusson for his peculiarity," Miss Peregrine said to the young girl.

"But it's scary!" she cried, and Olive nodded gravely next to her.

"I assure you it's far worse for me..." came a mumbled voice, and Enoch realised Horace was standing behind Miss Peregrine uncomfortably. They faced a concerned Bronwyn and distraught Olive and Claire. Claire continued as if she hadn't heard him.

"-All this screaming a-and crying," she whined.

"Every night!" chimed in Olive. Then she too was crying. "I don't want to hear about death and the world ending anymore!" she wailed, and Bronwyn gave her a hug. Horace's shoulders slumped in shame.

"Sorry..." he said to the ground. Miss Peregrine tutted discontentedly.

"There's absolutely no reason to apologise, Horace. This problem has a quick fix. Go and get your blankets girls- you can sleep in Miss Bruntley's room tonight. Quickly now! So we can all get as much sleep as we can with what's left of the night." They hurried off, Bronwyn in tow.

"You too Mr Somnusson," Miss Peregrine said to Horace.

"Yes, Miss Perigrine," he said dejectedly as she walked back down the hall. He stood there for a moment, looking absolutely exhausted, then seemed to sense someone watching him. Looking up, he met Enoch's eyes and frowned. He shot Enoch a look like "What are you looking at?" Enoch rolled his eyes before shutting his door with a bang.


The next morning, as everyone tucked into their breakfast, Miss Peregrine cleared her throat. The peculiars fell silent.

"Now children, as of last night it has come to my attention that we may need to make some room changes." There were instant groans and cries of injustice.

"That's absurd!" cried Millard indignantly. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to set up all the maps and diagrams on my walls? The Map of Days won't analyse itself you know!"

"Well I'm certainly not moving," piped up Hugh. "My bees need to be close to Fiona's room so they have plants to pollinate. If you have me move away it will be much too far to fly!"

Fiona nodded her agreement.

"Oh please," Enoch scoffed. "You just want to be next to Fiona so you can sneak off and snog her without the Bird waking up." Hugh and Fiona flushed.

Nightmares (Enorace Fluff)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن