9. Choices

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-recap from last scene -

You're not gonna regret this! But we're gonna need
a really good gift. What do you think she's into?
Cats? Knives? Cats with knives?Knives with little cats
on them?

"Actually, I know exactly what
to give her." Raya inturrupted Sisu as they flew away from heart and joined the others back on the boat

-in Fang-

"And that is how
the land of Fang rose. in spite of all the monsters
that wanted to destroy us. Because we're smart, resilient, and we take care of one another." Cheif Virana said to the future citizens of Fang.

"Mother! We need to talk." Namaari marched into the room in a rush

"It's Princess Namaari!" One of the children squealed in delight

"All right, all right, now, run along, kittens. I have to speak with the princess." Cheif Virana spoke as she ushered them along, so Namaari and her could have a private talk

"Mother, you won't believe what I saw!"

" Cheif Virana spoke as she ushered them along, so Namaari and her could have a private talk"Mother, you won't believe what I saw!"

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"You saw a dragon." She stopped Namaari 

"General Atitāya informed me that you'd be returning home without the gem pieces

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"General Atitāya informed me that you'd be returning home without the gem pieces."

"It was Sisu." Namaari added "She can fix what we broke. She can bring everyone back."

"And that's what scares me. When everyone comes back, who do you think they'll come for? You forget.The other lands blame us for what's happened.

"But we... We never meant for anyone to get hurt." Namaari tried to explain

"Yes, but if we had the dragon and the gem pieces, we would be forgiven. We could save the world. But more importantly our people would remain safe."

"But Raya isn't just gonna
give Sisu to us." Namaari crossed her arms in annoyance

"We're not going to give her a choice.

"What are you going to do?" Asked namaari

"That's no longer your concern, my love. You've done enough." 

-Back to Raya

If she refuses to help, we've just flushed our tactical advantage" Raya paced back and forth

- into the dung pot.
- I know.

Yeah. She really has no reason
to help us.

I know!
This jerky's terrible.

I know!

Are you sure
those four miniature menaces will be successful?

I don't know.




There's too much spice.

Uh, no.
There's too much bamboo.

What do you know?

You have the taste buds
of a tall baby.

Well, you dress like
a tall baby.

Give me the spoon!
I'm taking over!

Back off, tidal wave.
I'm the professional here.

May I?


That's good.

It's just a little something my ba showed me.

Aw. Did he also show you how to make that delicious jerky?" Sisu mocked

No, that was all me. It'll be nice to share a meal
with him again.

I know what you mean. I have this really obnoxious sister who always tousles my hair. I can't wait to see her the most." Boun got cut off with the others adding their hopes

After we win the day, I look forward to filling my eyeball with the joytastic image of my village full again. And you will be reunited with your family, Noi.

Uh, what did you
just call her?

Noi. It's her name. It's written on her collar. Have none of you ever checked?
And they think of me as the ruffian." He mumbled

Suddenly a firework was lit off signalling that thier plan had begun

What's that mean?

It means we're on.

Sisu, until we get that gem and confirm Namaari's actually
on our side, promise me you'll stay hidden.

Fine, fine, i promise" Sisu said as she flumped onto the chair besides her

-back at fang- 

Just after Namaari released the firework that was left on her window seat from Raya

"Are you alright?" Sakiya asked Namaari in a calming tone as she could see how tense she was by her knuckles turning white

"No i'm not. I'm worried!" She let out a sigh as she sat on the bed next to Sakiya

"You have no need to be worried, i"m sure Raya has a plan, she always does" Sakiya replied as she ran her hand gentle over Namaari's bigger ones

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"You have no need to be worried, i"m sure Raya has a plan, she always does" Sakiya replied as she ran her hand gentle over Namaari's bigger ones

"Your probably right but still my mother will stop at nothing to get what she wants" Namaari rolled over to face Sakiya to kiss her forehead

"I'll be back soon my love" Namaari said as she stood up and left the room. Hiding the necklace from Sakiya so she wouldn't know Raya was here. She didn't want to worry her anymore than possible.


Yet another update for u lovely people that have put up with me being a ghost for ages xx I appreciate it x I have more books coming so keep an eye out for them and I hope u enjoyed this chapter xxx

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