1.The beginning

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I know what your thinking, a lone rider, a dystopian world, a land that's gone to waste. How did this world get so broken? Well that all began 500 years ago -


this is what we used to be, when our land was whole and we lived harmoniously alongside DRAGONS! magical creatures that brought us water and rain and peace. It was paradise but then the Drune came, a mindless plague that spread like wild fire, multiplying as they consumed life and turned everyone they touched into stone. 

The dragons fought for us the best they could but it wasn't enough. The dragons turned into stone leaving the world forever. (Look at image at the top of the page x)That's when the mighty Susi ,the last dragon concentrated all her magic into a gem and BLASTED the drune away.

Everyone that turned into stone came back, everyone except the dragons. All that was left of Susi was her gem. It should have been this big inspirational moment where humanity united over her sacrifice but people being people, we all fought to posses the last piece of dragon magic. Borders were drawn, Kumandra divided, we all became enemies and the gem had to be hidden away but that's not how the world broke. That didn't truly happen until 500 years later when i came into the story!

Hi my name is Sakiya and I am the Chief of Soul's daughter but I am also known as Princess Sakiya of Kumandra. I belong to the sixth nation, Soul. A mighty kingdom who valued honesty and strength. I was an extension of that strength, i had to be perfect all the time, whether that be perfect stances when fighting or flawless skin. It was a lot of pressure growing up but I tried my hardest. However tonight I was finally allowed some freedom, I was going to meet the other nations in person because the heart nation invited us over, for reasons we are still unsure of but oh well. 

If you didn't know the six nations were Heart, Soul, Fang, Spine, Talon and Tail. Each place known for different things. Tail was known for its deserts and sneaky mercenaries, Talon was known for its floating market and pick pocketing, Spine was known for its warriors and giant axes, Heart was known for its green landscapes and compassion towards others, Fang was known for its assassins, architecture, strange obsession with cats and lastly soul was known for their beauty, riches and battle techniques. 

"Alright Soulians (Name for soul citizens) today we travel to heart. Keep your guard up we don't know what games they are trying to play but we won't let anything happen to us. No lets march!" The general shouted to the large group of us travelling to the heart nation

As we were walking my father approached me at the front of the group 

"Now my daughter, it is your first time meeting the other nations, you must give a good first impression. So remind me of what I told you earlier" My father asked

"Always keep your head held high, show your strength if needed, angle head so sun illuminates ones beauty and lastly never talk to someone else from another nation unless instructed too" I repeated from memory

"Good, now lets show them that we mean buisness" Me and my father did a quick fist bump and then continued to look foward in silence

An hours walk later we arrived at the edge capital of Heart where the other nations were slowly arriving. I stood proudly next to my father as our people stood in a line behind us. However as I stood their I felt eyes watching me, I turned around slightly to see a girl my age looking at me. She had cut black hair, gold/cream clothes and earrings on. Once she saw me looking back at her she blushed and quickly looked away. I shrugged it off and payed attention to the chief of Heart speaking

"People of Tail, Talon, Spine, Fang, Soul welcome to heart! For far too long we have been enemies, but today is a new day. Today we can be Kumandra once more" I heard him say

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