8. Raya or Sisu's plan?

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Back to Raya and the gang:

"Ok listen up everybody! Sisu and i came up with a plan"

Oooo ok ok" they gathered around the small table on the boat

So we know that The last gem piece is in Fang, the most heavily guarded
of the five lands. Now, they're protected
by an artificial canal, that separates them
from the rest of the world.
The only way in or out
is by water.Luckily for us,
we have a magic water dragon!

"That's me! Super strong and super stylish" Sisu pulled a funny pose as she swooshed her mane from side to side in a manly way

"Not the time Sisu! Rays mumbled in dispair towards her" Now, the palace will be
swarming with Fang soldiers. To sneak past them, we'll need to..." Boun interrupted as he layed out his intricate plan

"I got this, guys.I'll take care of the first wave. Tong will follow up with hisgiant axe of bad-axery.

And then come the ongis
and that crazy con-baby...
...who will toss the gem
to the Mighty Sisudatu. And then, bye-bye, binturis.

Super flow plan, am I right?"

"Uh, no. Yeah, that's not flow. That's a clog." Raya added as she banged her head on the table leaving a red mark behind

I agree.

" Ok well Here's my plan! We infiltrate Fang,

confront Namaari,

and offer her something nice
and go...Like so -

Hey! Wanna help us
save the world?

Because all it takes
is one gem piece.


I've been waiting
for someone to ask me!Here you go!

Best friends forever!" Sisu finished as the others gave her judgemental stares

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Best friends forever!" Sisu finished as the others gave her judgemental stares

Best friends forever!" Sisu finished as the others gave her judgemental stares

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