1 - The Dursleys

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Percy was devastated. He watched most of his friends and the Hunters of Artemis, die. He watched them die in the battle. But not only did he watch his friends die, but he watched as his mother and stepfather, Paul, die as they helped to kill the monsters, after the city woke.

He was now in the Throne room with the olympians staring at him, some clearly upset at their kids deaths, some probably wondering when Percy will break. But he couldn't, if he broke down now, he won't ever stop crying.

"Perseus Jackson. For your actions in this war, and saving Olympus, we offer you Godhood." Zues boomed looking down in him.

"No. I do not wish to be immortal." Percy said quickly. He wanted to be able to see his Wisegirl again.

Zues was about to rage at him, but Poseidon spoke first. "Very well son, that is understandable, especially after what you just lost, it only makes sense that you will want to see them again."

Everyone looked at Poseidon, they expected him to be mad that his favourite son didn't want to be immortal, but he wasn't.

"I do, however have a different proposition for you son. Obviously now you will have to go live with your mortal Aunt, and two of your mortal cousins live there too who are eleven years old." Everyone was paying attention to Poseidon to see where he would take this.

"If you wish, we can de-age you, and you can live with your mortal Aunt and Uncle as an eleven year old like your cousins and have a fresh start. You will keep your memories if you wish, but I believe it will be easier for you if you were their age and we shall get rid of your curse." Poseidon finished, finally.

Percy was shocked. A god was thinking what would be best for him. Granted it was his father, but still. No god had thought about what was good for him, as long as he was able to do their dirty work.

After a minute or two of thinking it over, Percy decided that he was going to do it. He would become eleven again, but keep his memories. He didn't want to forget about everyone, so he wouldn't.


Eleven year old Percy, got of the plane in London, with Hermes pretending to be a social worker. Collected his luggage, that was just one suitcase, of clothes and pictures, that the gods had changed to look like he was eleven in all of the ones that he was older in, in the eyes of others anyway, and was greeted by a very large man with hardly any neck, and a large moustache.

The large man was holding a small sign with the name Perseus on it, and Hermes walked him over.

"You must be Vernon Dursley. I'm Ajax Jones, Percy's social worker." Hermes greeted the man, sticking his hand out to shake.

Vernon shook his hand, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

Hermes reached into a satchel he had taken on the plane and pulled out some papers. "These are Percy's medical records as well as school records. As you already know, he had ADHD and dyslexia, and his first language is Greek, but is fluent in English and can somewhat read it. Other than that I don't believe there is anything else for you to know."

Percy's Uncle took the papers with a huff, giving Percy side eyes, not sure what to think of the boy. And Percy wasn't sure what to think of the much larger man either.

"Okay Percy, this is where I leave you. If you need anything, you know how to call me." Hermes said looking down at Percy.

Percy nodded and gave Hermes a fist bumb before leaving the airport with his uncle. They got in the car and drove in silence to Privet drive.

Before they got out of the car, Vernon turned to look at Percy and pointed a saugage sized finger at him. "Now I don't know what your mother told you about her family, but we do not tolerate anything abnormal in this household. Do you understand?"

Percy could already tell that if he disclosed that he was half God that it would not go down well here, and he could also tell that he didn't like his uncle that much.

Percy nodded in understanding and they got out of the car and Percy got his suitcase from the boot and followed his uncle through the door and into the living room where there was a really thin blonde woman with an extremely long neck that reminded Percy of a human giraffe, a large blonde boy and a small dark haird, skinny boy wearing clothes far to big for him.

Percy somewhat recognised the skinhy boy, he reminded Percy of his Uncle James, his Aunt Lilly's husband.

"Perseus, this-" Vernon started but Percy interrupted.

"Just Percy."

Vernon's face went slightly red but kept going as if Percy hadn't said anything, "This is your Aunt Petunia, and your cousins Dudley and Harry."

"Hi?" Percy said a little bit unsure.

"You, take your cousin to your room, your sharing." Vernon told Harry coldly and Percy gave the large man an almost unnoticeable side eye, he reminded Percy of Smelly Gabe and that is not the type of person he wanted to be around.

Harry gave Percy a reassuring smile and led Percy up to their room. The previous day, Vernon had installed a bunk bed so that when Percy arrived he had a place to sleep, because who dares use the guest room other than Vernon's even larger sister Marge.

"Hope you don't mind, but I already claimed the top." Harry said, hoping to ease the tension.

Percy smiled, looking around the room. It was a decent size, and looked homey, unlike the rest of the house, he did however edge away from the owl, that was sleeping in her cage.

"It's fine. I prefer being as close to the ground as possible anyway." Percy said and Harry smiled.

The pair could tell they would get along great. Harry was just sorry that he would have to leave his newly found cousin with the Dursleys while be went to school.

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