I walk out of the bathroom, only to get pulled back into it. I look at Hope and then Penelope walks in.

P: Hey babe and hello loser.

She says that with a lot of disgust. I turn around and look at Penelope. Penelope gives me a small smile. Hope quickly let's go of my hand, I frown a little bit. I don't know why I frowned. Hope walks out of the bathroom and I feel something in my hand. I look down and see a piece of note paper. I put it in my pocket and Penelope comes up to me and pins me up against the bathroom wall.

Hope's POV
I walk up to Sebastian and slap him. Typical thing to do I guess. He looks at me confused and I roll my eyes.

H: I'm done with everything. Go ahead and tell people a lie. You want Lizzie back so badly, find a way that isn't toxic. If you truly loved her you'd be buying her roses and chocolates and apologizing for every stupid thing you did. I'm not gonna get caught up in some game. I'm not some toy you can mess around with. This deal, is over.
S: You can't be serious?
H: I'm dead serious Sebastian. Find somebody else to play your game.
S: I have the power right now. I could ruin your life.
H: Go ahead. Do whatever makes you happy. You'll just have to live with the guilt. I'm not afraid of you.

I turn around and walk away from him. Everybody seemed to be making fun of him. Which was rude but he deserved it. I walk to my class and sit down. I was super late, it's fine. It's the last class of today.  Josie was sitting next to me, I could tell she was tired. The teacher started to explain the project we'd had to do. It was simple, I could just do the work myself and let Josie get some sleep. I could feel Josie looking at me every now and then. I ignored it, not thinking about it. I continued to write things down for the project until I felt a hand on my hand.

J: You don't have to do the project alone Hope.
H: I'm used to it, don't worry about it. Just put your head down and rest.
J: I can help. Please just let me help.

I looked over to Josie and she took the paper and pen. She started writing things down as well. I leaned a little closer to read what she was writing. I leaned back into my chair and played with my fingers.

J: You seem anxious.
H: Nope, just curious. What are you writing anyways?

She placed the pen down and handed me the paper. The teacher said the project would have to be something you could use in the future. Or you could just make up your own. I seen that she drew some sorta of computer that joined together with a phone. It seemed pretty smart. The bell rang and I quickly got up and went to my locker. Once I got to my locker I seen Landon.

H: So what has you here today?
La: You got some explaining to do.
H: Okay, what's up?
La: Something tells me you have a tiny crush on one of the Saltzman twins.
H: Lizzie is definitely not my type and Josie is dating somebody. Therefore I don't have a crush on any of them.
La: But you do. I know you do and I'll make you realize it.

Right after Landon said that Josie turned the corner. She was walking out of the school. I watched her leave, completely forgetting about Landon. I looked back at my locker and smiled.

La: See you have a crush.
H: No I don't.
La: I'll make you realize it by the end of the month. Mark my words Mikaelson.
H: I think I'm good. I gotta go home now. See ya later.
La: Don't you have to hang out with Josie? Or did she cancel?

Landon looked behind me, causing me to turn around. I see Josie walking back inside the school. She seemed like she forgot something. She stopped right next to me and Landon and gave him a small smile.

J: May I take her away Landon?
La: Yes you may. Just no kissing you two.
H: What makes you think that we'd even kiss? She has a girlfriend.
La: You never know.

Walking Disaster- Hosie Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz