⚠️Renmin part 2⚠️

Start from the beginning

What the- WHAT.

"Yea so true, haha" Oh my, Renjun just wanted a normal nice conversation. He just ruined everything, no no he didn't ruin that. Jaemin did calling their hangout a date!

Was this a date, this isn't a date. Just a friendly hangout, as friends. This wasn't a date.

Renjun felt like he was about to explode. Did Jaemin just say that? Did he mean to say that? Maybe it was a mistake, perhaps he meant a friend date?

Well there goes his opportunity to have a normal nice conversation while they drive towards their destination. There's no way he's going to be recovering from that. It was time that Renjun shut up and gave up anyways.


Renjun quickly turns his head to stare out his trusty window once again. Completely ignoring whatever Jaemin was saying.

The angel couldn't let Jaemin see him like this.

He couldn't recover, consider Renjun dead. Renjun wasn't even going to try anymore, he was just going to sit here with the awkward silence and pretend that everything was okay...

Calm, stay calm, he can do this. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

Renjun's thoughts are calm for barely a split second before he was again thinking about Jaemin's words.

But could Renjun even consider this a date?

Well...a date is basically just two people hanging out with each other....so yes this is a date! Just a friendly date.

There's nothing wrong with that anyways right? Just two close friends hanging out with each other. It was perfectly normal, all was good.

Just like Renjun thought, it gets quiet. The only sound in the car being the radio that was playing some popular pop song and the engine. And unlike what Renjun thought it was going to be, it wasn't awkward, instead it was quite peaceful.

It was a nice type of silence which was rare for Jaemin. The other boy was usually always telling him about something. If anything, maybe he preferred this over talking. Because right now just being about to think and calm himself was a blessing.

And Renjun honestly didn't mind, he always enjoyed it when it was quiet. It was the perfect time for him to just think and let himself drift off into his own world.

So that's what he did, slowly letting the world outside his window lull him into a daydream where he imagined himself with Jaemin. Just the two of them, alone yet happy.

Because they had each other.

If he had Jaemin, Renjun didn't need god anymore.

The angel stares out the window as the ground becomes bumpier. They were off the road now and driving on the grass. They were in a field with a few trees and hills. It looked nice, there weren't any people around either.

It takes a few more minutes before Jaemin begins to slow the car. .

Renjun nervously fumbles with his fingers as the car comes to a stop. He had been staring out the window for the past 30 minutes, saying absolutely nothing to Jaemin. Renjun was hoping that Jaemin didn't mind the silence.

But he didn't say anything either the whole ride so Renjun was telling himself that it was okay.

Jaemin stops the engine before opening the door and standing up. The pink haired boy turns to look at him with a small smile.

"Follow me."

Renjun sits there for a second, calming himself before opening the door and making his way out of the car, hurrying to follow behind Jaemin who was walking towards the trunk of his car.

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