"Whatever. I'm going to get flags." Kacchan flew out of the treehouse. 

"I'll go after him and you two should defend." They nodded and I jumped out of the treehouse, following Kacchan. 

Our setting was a forrest with the five treehouses scattered throughout the trees. "Don't...you...think...we should...be...more...covert?!" I whisper-yelled to Kacchan as we weaved in and out of trees, me struggling to maintain him in my line of sight. He was making a lot of noise and drawing attention to us. I rolled my eyes. Eventually, as expected, we were under attack. Out of nowhere, tape swiftly wrapped around Bakugo, pulling his arms tightly to him midflight. It caused him to spin out of control and crash to the ground in front of me. I activated my quirk and looked around me rapidly just as acid was shot at me causing my skin and to burn. a loud blast of music sound sent the two of us flying into nearby trees roughly. 

"Hi Bakugo!" Mina yelled as she came out of hiding behind the tree. 

"Sorry about that, dude." Sero used his tape to swing himself to the ground in front of us. Jiro walked out quietly from behind them, her portable speaker in tow. 

"You know you can't beat us one on one." I said, standing up as Kacchan swiftly tore out of his tape restraints angrily. Mina shrugged nonchalantly and began to hail acid bullets on the two of us. Tree branches which had been corroded began to fall down on us. I reacted quickly, tackling her and abruptly stopping the rain. I swung her around and threw her, watching as she landed in a nearby tree. Kacchan began blasting his explosions at Sero who evaded them by swinging on tree branches.  Jiro began to hit me with her strong waves of sound again by plugging her earphone jacks into the speaker. I winced, covering my ears, but then allowed a lightning bolt to hit her. She fell back and hit a rock. Kacchan continued to his assault on Sero until he made a mistake, swinging on a branch that had been partially corroded by Mina. He finally hit Sero and he fell to the ground roughly. 

"We didn't need to beat you. Just distract you." Mina said, sitting up with difficulty.

"...what? Wait who else is on your team?" Instead of answering Sero shot tape out to grab the other two and swung away. 

"Our flag!" We both looked at each other with realization as I said this. By the time we made it back, Kirishima and Kaminari were both frozen in place on the ground, the flag gone. Only their head stuck out of the huge block of ice that now covered the tree house. Todoroki

"Damn it!!!" Kacchan yelled. He blasted the two of them out of their ice with an explosion. 

"Sorry guys. " Kaminari said, hanging his head. 

"It came out of nowhere, we didn't even have time to activate our quirks." Kirishima answered. 


"You can't win if you don't work with us as a team, Bakubro." Kirishima said, brushing off ice shavings from his arms. 

"Tch. Fine." He said rolling his eyes. 

"We don't have anything to protect anymore so we can move as a team. We'll go for the two teams that don't have Mina and them and then attack them. We have to move quietly, efficiently, and communicate constantly." 

"As long as I get to blast off Icyhot's face in the end, I'm satisfied." From then on we worked as a team. The first team we encountered was Satou, Oijiro, Kouda and Hagakure. Once we defeated them and took their flag, Kacchan left to quickly return the flag as we continued searching for the next team. Mineta, Shouji, Tokoyami, and Asui were next. But eventually we also obtained their flag. 

"Just one more and we win." I said. The four of us were surrounding our two flags. As of now Mina and them are probably fighting for their last flag. Two of us should stay behind to defend. 

Well Iida, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Aoyama were our last team to defeat. Whose quirks are best against theirs?" Kaminari asked.

"What if we don't fight them at all? I mean I bet they're distracted with each other already. Let's just send one person to sneak and get it." Kiri said.

"It's a gamble but-"

"TEAM 3 HAS ONE THE MATCH." We all groaned.

"I wonder who's team 3?" Kaminari said disappointed.

"It's us, nerds." We all looked over to see Kacchan leaning up against the wall, a blue flag hanging out of his hand. He smirked at our surprised face. "Yeah I snuck out like ten minutes ago because you extras were taking way too long talking." He said, bored. 

"Nice job Bakubro!" Kiri said. Kaminari agreed. They both started excitedly talking to each other. Across the treehouse we made eye contact. Oddly enough, it wasn't filled with anger, arrogance, or condescension. It was a level of intensity I had yet to experience from him towards me. Kirishima and Kaminari left for the showers at some point but I barely noticed. I continued to hold his gaze as he slowly walked towards me. His eyes continued to bore into me even while we were close enough to feel each other's breath. 

"You've changed." He said simply. It was calm, his tone low and curious.

"I have. Glad you noticed." I said softly. He looked as if he wanted to say something more, the internal struggle evident in his eyes. He shook his head and began to walk away. I slowly let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding. It felt as if the air had just been returned to normal after being sucked out. I turned around and watched him walk out. 

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