Chapter 4

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Varian laid in his bed staring up at the ceiling.  The sunlight was pouring in, telling him it was high time that he got up.  However, what was he going to do?  No one had came for him yet so he supposed he had nothing better to do than to lie there waiting.

As if on cue, the door opened.  They didn't think to knock?  What if he was getting dressed or something?  It was the Coronan guard he recognized from before.  Aka, Cassandra's girlfriend.  Cassandra always did seem like a girl that liked girls, whether or not she was bisexual or lesbian, or identified as another LGBTQ member, he was uncertain.

"Hey, I got your breakfast," she muttered.

Ash was it?  He didn't say anything and didn't move.  She gave up and set the tray on the side table.

"You could be a little grateful.  After all you've done, anyone else would have been imprisoned for life," she muttered.

"You don't get to tell me what I should or should not feel.  You're just a spoiled woman, with everything set before you.  You have no idea how I feel."

"Call me a hypocrite, but you're the hypocrite to just assume I had everything laid out for me.  I had to work to get where I am!"

"Tch.  That's not what I meant," Varian growled.

Ash didn't stick around for more.  She slammed the door shut.  Pete, who was standing guard passed her a quizzical look.  She merely huffed before storming down the halls.


Anya sat on the desk that Cassandra was working on.  "I'm still so confused though..."

"I wouldn't worry about it Anya.  You know you've always had weird dreams you've mixed up with reality.  Maybe this is just another one of those instances.  Varian doesn't have any siblings, and I promise you.  Zahn Tiri is gone.  She's just a nightmare, haunting you from the past.  Maybe it's PTSD or maybe you just have so many stories of her that they creep into your dreams.  You do have a vivid imagination."

"Yeah, one in which you lack," Anya teased.

"Ouch." Cassandra laughed.  "That was a hard blow."

Anya entered the room.  By the way she walked, even Anya could tell she was mad about something.  "What's got you in a tizzy?"


Cassandra crossed her arms.  "We may have only been dating for a few weeks, but we've been friends much longer than that.  I know when you squre shoulders like that, you're pissed by something."

"I'm just worked up over something stupid.  Don't worry about it."

"Is it something stupid?  I mean, if you're bothered by it, I wouldn't say it was stupid," Cassandra said.  "If there's one thing I learned from Rapunzel, it was to talk things out.  Don't make the same mistake I did by holding it in."

Ashley laughed by this.  "No, don't worry.  I'll be over it in a moment.  I'll rant to myself and everything will subside.  Trust me, it's fine."

Cassandra shrugged.  "Sure.  If you say so, then I'll trust your word."

"Soooo, how's Varian?"  Anya decided to change the subject.  Unfortunately, she realized that she actually didn't when Ash groaned with utter annoyance.  Obviously, it was Varian that put her in a tizzy.  Wrong move, but she really was honestly curious about his well being.  If the others would allow it, she hoped to speak with him sooner rather than later.

"Impossible!"  Ashley cried.  "He's such a dick!"

"Ashley!"  Anya scolded.

"Well, he is," the woman huffed.  "And I stand by it."

"Ok, you don't like him.  He's grumpy.  That's what I got so far," Anya muttered.

"How is physically?"  Cassandra pressed.

"Same as yesterday.  Don't think he's going to suddenly disappear from bad health.  He seemed healthy enough to me."

"That's good," the captain replied.  She tucked her short black curls behind her ear as she wrote down the information on paper.  "I have to keep a record,' she informed.

"When can I see him?"  Anya asked.


"Cass..." Anya crossed her arms.  "Do not try and baby me or whatever.  I am am adult now and I can handle myself.  So before you start acting like our foster father, act like my sister."

Cassandra smirked.  "Fair enough.  I'll see when I can get you in."

Anya grinned.

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