Chapter 2

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Shout out to my story partner in this story LenaxWebby

This story wouldn't be here without her!


Anya leapt off her horse by the stables.  "Hey, girl.  Ready for a late breakfast?  I know I am."  She stroked the snout of the horse before putting her in her stall.  "Looks like they'll bring the hay in just a minute."

Since everything was set, Anya went into the castle.  She noticed a lot of guards out of place.  Finally, she had enough and went to one of them.  "Hey, what's going on?"

"We have a situation in the throne room-"

"Ok," she said and started to open the doors.

"Hey, wait!  You're not allowed in there-"

It was too late.  She already opened the door.  "Cass, are you in here…"  she froze and her eyes went round.

"Anya?"  Cassandra asked.  "What are you doing here?"

She didn't answer.  Her eyes were set on the boy sitting grudgingly.  He was cleaned up, but he was still in handcuffs to keep him from hurting anyone, increasing himself.  It had been forever since she had seen this boy.  They told her he was dead, where she spent time in grief and pain.  "Varian!"

Upon hearing the voice, he looked in her direction.  Shock spread across his face.  "Anya?"

"You know each other?"  Rapunzel asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we used to bump into each other on the streets.  And I'd see her sometimes when I'd get supplies from Xavier," Varian explained quietly.

"Then I went to boarding school and came back and he was dead…"  Anya looked at Cassandra for answers.

"I don't get it either.  He's been alive for years in our dungeons.  None of the guards knew him.  I never went down there much, and I didn't pay much attention to the prisoners.  I'm so confused how this happened," Cassarian admitted.

"A lot of things went wrong when... Eugene... died.  A lot of things got burned up and lost," Rapunzel added.

Varian winced a little when she mentioned Eugene's death, but he hoped no one saw.  Considering that Anya was only one looking at him, she was the only one that noticed.

"Now we're trying to figure out what to do.  I'm not putting Varian back in there.  He never got his trial, and he's served time that wasn't given to him lawfully," Rapunzel explained.

"Rapunzel, he tried to choke you last night-"

"I'm sure he's just scared," Rapunzel retorted.

"Don't try to downplay murder-"

"You tried to kill me multiple times," Rapunzel snapped.  "Look, Cass, I'm sorry I brought that up, but you have to see that you're not off the hook in that category.  How is Varian any different?"

Cassandra sighed.  "You're right, but are we going to do?  We can't let him loose yet."


They looked at Anya.  Cassandra looked at her foster sister confusedly. "Yeah?"

"Have you maybe considered not arguing about him like he's some cattle to be sold or something? I mean, I know you're trying to do the best thing, but do you know how excruciating this sounds for him?"  Anya huffed.  "You haven't even brought this up to his family!"

"We sent a letter to Quirin," Cassandra corrected.

"Yeah, but you didn't even think to tell me!"

"I didn't even know you were close," Cassandra said.

Anya stopped.  They didn't know? "But he has a sibling, right?"

"What?"  Varian spoke up.  "No? What gave you that idea?"

"I could have sworn... I guess not? Sorry..." Confusion swept across Anya's face.

"Hey, it's ok.  Maybe you confused him with someone else," Cassandra soothed.

"Probably," Anya agreed.

"Let's finish discussing this over breakfast.  How does that sound?  I'm starved," Rapunzel suggested.

"That might be wise," Cassandra agreed.  "Maybe we'll think better with some food and coffee."

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