Chapter Five

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Klaus placed his sword down as Shiro's mace was placed down as well. Emma huffed out. "And this is why I want you instead of your stupid brother Elias. Ivy, what is your demand if you win?"

"If? It's not a matter of 'if' it's 'when' I win, what I want is all of the guards that aren't yours and for you to spill the entire truth to the entire population about what had happened six years ago when you lied straight to our parents and the entire country."

Emma stiffened and glared at her. "You're not going to win, as your elder it's impossible!"

Ivy pushed past Klaus and her sister before narrowing her eyes at Emma. "Older doesn't mean you are stronger or wiser. Older just means you have that many less years than I do to live your horrible miserable life." She said coldly before she walked into the manor. "Keigo, Kou come. I don't want you two to get lost here."

They quickly rushed to keep up with her as Elias and Joel glared at Emma. "You will not win against Princess Ivy." Joel stated before he walked past her.

Elias shook his head. "You are a pathetic woman to think that you can constantly use her as a scapegoat. This is where your lies come to an end. I hope you're ready for the end of your innocence."

Elias then went inside and found Ivy getting fitted for a battle uniform. "Where are the other three?"

"Joel is showing them around, Joel was going to show them the important rooms first." Ivy said without looking at Elias

"Very well, don't take too long princess. The sooner her lies get exposed the better."

"I'm working on it. This takes time. I haven't been here for six years, they don't have my measurements."

Elias then left to find Joel. When she was alone she looked at herself in the mirror as she frowned at herself. "Am I getting fat?" She muttered to herself as she placed her hands on her bare stomach feeling rather self conscious of herself. "Well, it looks like I'm not eating for a while."

Once she had her outfit on she met up with Joel and Elias who smiled at her, nodding in approval. "She is already showing off what she can do, which is basic things you learnt before you were kicked out of here. You need to put her in her place." Elias said seriously

She nodded her head before she stepped into the room getting her sister's attention. Between them was the eldest guard-a female with brown hair and eyes.

"Alright ladies, I was given the request of both of you-here are the rules.No one steps out of the circle-you do and you are instantly out. No cheap shots or weapons, if there are you will be instantly taken out. And lastly, you're to only use magic-no physical contact or you'll be disqualified."

Ivy kept still as she smiled at her sister. "You called me here-so go on, go first and show me what you got, big sister. If you truly have more power over me I'd like to see you try to use it against me."

Emma flicked her hair back and smirked. "Your funeral little sister."

Emma did the strongest spell that she knew which was a hymn to place who was in front of her to sleep. Ivy stayed awake through it all, once Emma opened her eyes she saw that Ivy was still standing. "W-What?! No way! You should be asleep!"

"Three things wrong with what you just did one; never close your fucking eyes! Two; you didn't pronounce two words right three fucking times! And three, there are hand movements that go along with that hymn that you didn't do. So of course it didn't work. Now let a professional show you how it's done." Ivy said as she placed a hand on her chest.

Ivy calmed herself shutting her eyes before she opened her eyes and sang to her sister doing the same hymn but stronger as she kept her purple eyes against her sisters. It wasn't long before her sister fell asleep and fell backwards outside of the circle. Klaus caught her and glared at Ivy.

"How dare you!"

"She's sleeping moron, she'll wake up in ten minutes." Ivy said with her arms crossed

The brunette female was stunned but smiled. "Looks like Princess Ivy wins the battle, once Princess Emma wakes up she must sign over the demands that Princess Ivy has asked for."

"Emma is QUEEN not a princess!" Klaus said seriously

"She does not have a significant other and she does not have the right qualifications by the church to become queen." The brunette female said seriously

Klaus placed Emma down and went straight for her, only for a silver haired female to get between the two of them and kick him upside the head as her eyes glowed dark red. "Get near my mother and I will burn you down to ashes bastard. You're fucking lucky that the princess was returned, if she wasn't you and Shiro would be out of a damn job! Until your charge has a significant other and has been blessed by the church of Aqua-she will never be queen."

"Rose, Donna until she wakes up-I'll be in my old room with my guests."

Both females nodded their heads before Ivy left with Keigo and Kou to be right behind her. Keigo was the one who spoke up first. "So...just what was that we just watched?"

"Magic battle between royals, Emma wants what I have-it's always been the case. She somehow found out about the two of you, and wanted you two as well as my two guards-because they are smarter and stronger than hers. They're loyal to me and she wants that type of guard around her."

"She should have picked better when she had the chance." Elias said with a scoff

"Agreed, Joel-Elias let me know when that idiot woman wakes up. I'm going to let the two of them know everything in my room."

Both males nodded their heads before Joel opened her door for her. Once the three of them were in the room, she went to her bed and she sat on it. "Go on and sit where you want."

"So what exactly happened between the two of you that made things so bad like this Ivy?" Kou asked curiously

"I'm interested in that too, you seem rather adamant about getting her to say something to the public, what exactly happened between your sister and you?" Keigo asked with a raised eyebrow. 

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