Chapter 20

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"Wake up" "Y/N wake up" I hear a soft voice say. I sit up from my bed and see Maria hanging over me. Maria has been a S.H.I.E.L.D agent for a very long time and she's always treated me like family. "What time is it?" I ask still half asleep whiles looking around my room to see the devastation it's in. "It's 8:30" Maria says. I lie back down and pull the duvet over my head. "Y/N you should of been up over an hour ago come on" she says. "I don't have anything planned for today it's fine" I say, trying to bargain my way into getting more sleep. "Fury wants to see you" Maria bluntly says. It's quiet for a second. "Are you kidding me?" I ask. She shakes her head and pulls the duvet off me. "You know how he doesn't like to be waiting around Y/N, let's go" she says before leaving and closing my door shut behind her.

The last time I was called into Fury's office was before the whole Paris fiasco. I quickly throw a pair of leggings , white tank and red flannel before leaving my room. I'm sure I still have makeup half way down my face and my hair is a mess but at this point I couldn't care less. I make my way around the compound until I approach his office. Before I even have the chance to knock he says "come in Y/N, you're late enough as it is." I open the door and just to my luck, Natasha is already there and of cause she looks like she's been up and ready for hours. I take a seat next to her but I can feel her staring me down. "Look, Paris was good fun but I don't think I want to go abroad for a long time" I say, cutting to chase having a gut feeling he was going to ask us to go on another "undercover mission."

"Y/N, why do I think I have called you and Romanoff here?" Fury says whiles folding his arms. "Obviously not for a good reason I suppose" I reply. He goes silent. "Romanoff, why do YOU think I've called you and Y/N here?" Fury asks Natasha. "You want to know if we got any insights on HYDRA and if they're planning any new schemes, but that's just what you're saying for a cover up. Secretly you actually want to know if me and Y/N have been getting along and if your plan to send us to the most romantic place on earth and pin it as a "mission" worked." She says without taking a breath in between. I stare at Fury and then back at Natasha. "Oh yeah because obviously you would know that" I say. "Oh please it doesn't take a genius to figure it out" she replies looking me dead in the eye. Fury exhales. "And by the look of things, my plan didn't work. That's a first" he says. "Oh no it worked, we got along just great in Paris, didn't we Y/N?" Natasha says whiles tilting her head and squinting her eyes ever so slightly. I don't know how to act when she does that. "Uh-yeah it was fun to say to least" I reply. "Well I'm glad to hear it" Fury says, I'm not sure he's totally convinced though. "Alright, I've got some work to do may I be dismissed?" Natasha asks. "Both of you, go ahead" Fury replies.

I follow after Natasha out of the door "hey do you know if we had any meetings or anything today?" I ask trying to create small talk. "You're a big girl Y/N, you should know your own schedule by now." She says whiles strutting ahead. I catch up to  her so we're side by side. "Well it's been a while since we've been back here so my brain is all over the place." I say. "Ask your girlfriend Wanda, she'll tell you, or stick her tongue down your throat but either way you'll get something out of it." She says confidently. "Jesus why are you still going on about that? I told you it didn't mean anything and she probably just had a little bit too much to drink last night" I say. "Yeah right" Nat says before getting in the elevator at the end of the corridor, her in. "Its like you're jealous of Wanda or something" I say underneath my breath. "What?" She loudly asks. "Nothing" I quickly reply. She shakes her head and exhales.

Nats POV:
"What floor are you going to?" I ask. "Uh tenth" Y/N replies whiles holding her hands behind her back, she does that when she gets nervous. I have so many things I want to say to her  right now but I just know it will makes things worse. All of a sudden there's a loud thud below us and the elevator completely stops moving. Of cause this had to happen to us. I look down at my hands to see Y/N had both of her hands wrapped around mine. She catches me looking and quickly pulls away. "Sorry, that noise took me by surprise." She says, I just nod. I can't show her that I liked it. "This is great, I have things to do" I say. "Not me, I didn't plan on getting up today" she replies. "I can believe that" I say and she puts her head down and smiles.

"Can you ring someone on your phone? Let them know the elevator has broken down?" I ask. "I didn't bring my phone with me I didn't think I would need it, just use yours" Y/N says. "Y/N you know I don't bring my phone with me everywhere I ago unlike you, that's why I asked." I reply. "God what are we going to do?" "We could bang on the doors and maybe someone is on the other side of them and can hear us" she suggests. "Dumb idea, these doors are made out of steel for a reason" I say. Y/N groans and sits down leaning her back on the opposite side of the doors.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, now is the right time considering we're going to be in her for a while. "Go ahead" Y/N says whiles yawning. "That kiss with Wanda last night, how did it make you feel?" I ask. She rolls her head back "Natasha I told you it didn't make me feel anything, just tired" she says. "Then why did you do it?" I ask. "I didn't. She pulled me into it, and before I had the chance to pull away you walked in" She says. "Oh okay" I mumble.
"What? That wasn't a very convincing reply. Don't you believe me?" Y/N says. "No I do, well after everything I'd like to think I could." I reply. "And you can" Y/N says whiles reaching up and pulling my arm down so I'll sit next to her. Straight away we lock eyes and all I can focus on is the mascara just underneath her eyes that somehow makes her look even more attractive. I hold my hand up against her cheek before pulling her in as she runs her hands up and down my hair.

Maybe now would be the right time to tell her.

hi hey hello! i'm so sorry for the inconsistent updates 😭😭 i just have a lot going on atm.
lol anyway hope u enjoyed this chapter ig i don't know how i feel about it but there's a heat wave in the UK rn and i can't sleep so what better is there to do.

time to say our daily grace: ❗️IT SHOULD OF BEEN ⚠️TW CL!T⚠️ BUT IT COULDN'T OF BEEN ⚠️TW CL!T⚠️ ...unless.....

PLSSSSSS WHEN DID U ALL GET SO GOOD AT THAT😜😟 LAST TIME YOU GUYS BARLEY MANAGED TO SAY "cl!t" but I'm proud ,I really really am but it's going to make me emosh so I can't keep talking about it😇😝🥸☝️


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