Chapter 7

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Nats POV:
I've let Y/N have enough time on her own so I should really go after her now. I stand up from the sand and wipe it off from my thighs. I put my shorts back on and put a plain white shirt over me,grab my bag and towels and make my way. Y/N didn't put her shorts back on before she stormed off so she's wandering around in just a bikini. As I'm walking around I can't seem to find her anywhere. I know she's small but surely I can find her. I've been walking for about 10 minutes until I find one of her rings lying beneath the sand. I know it's her ring because I see it on her hand every day when we're eating breakfast. How does she not notice it's missing? She never goes anywhere without it.

It's been an hour and I still can't find Y/N. I have a feeling that she got the next bus back to our hotel but something else is telling me otherwise. Y/N is scared of a lot of things but mainly being alone so she would of called me by now right? That reminds me that I can call her! I stop walking and sit on a bench and look through my contacts for her. Straight to voicemail. That's a first, normally Y/N picks up her phone before it's even been dialled. I just have to sit for a minute and think. Where else would she of gone? She has major social anxiety so I can't imagine her going into a bar or restaurant. Unless...maybe she did.

I stand up from the bench and search in almost every bar around, I'm not having much look. "Désolé de vous déranger, mais n'avez vous pas vu une fille américaine par hasard? Elle a environ 5 pi 3 po, les cheveux longs, elle porte un bikini bleu?" I ask to a couple sat outside of one of the bars. "Non nous a'vons pas désolé" They reply. I just smile and walk away hoping to still find her somewhere. I approach one of the last bars in town. I have very little hopes that Y/N will be here, I have very little hope that she's even in a bar. I walk in and immediately recognise a giggle. THAT giggle. Her giggle. I turn the corner to see Y/N sat there surrounded by a group of guys drinking her guts out. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I say to Y/N as I approach her table and put a towel around her shoulders as she was still in her bikini. She looks up at me and frowns. "Natasha please just.." She tries to say but I interrupt her. "No you've went too far. Ok I said a few things to hurt your feelings but I apologized and yet here you are wasting yourself with alcohol surrounded by a bunch of perverts" I say. "I'm not even drunk" Y/N says before taking another swig of her alcoholic drink. "Y/N you're wasted, this isn't you. Let's go" I say whiles grabbing her arm not too rough but it definitely isn't gentle at the same time. As I do so one of the men grabs Y/N left thigh and try to pull her away from me. I elbow him but then he throws his drink in my face so I punch him back down leaving him with a bloody nose. "Fluage" I say to them all as I grab Y/N again and walk out of the bar with her.

We turn into an ally way. "Put these on" I say whiles throwing her shorts and shirt at her. "I can't believe you" I say whiles drying the beer off of myself. "It's not that big of a deal Nat" Y/N says whiles slipping her shorts on. "No Y/N it is. I was actually worried about you. I have been looking for you all day. The sun is setting! I felt so guilty for what I said to you and I was so mad at myself. But obviously you had other ideas." I say. Y/N looks down and then puts her hand over her mouth. She turns around and throws up. I'm not surprised. When she's finished I go over to her and dab around her mouth with a clean towel from my bag. "Natasha I'm so sorry" She says. I pretend to ignore her. "We're going to miss our bus, come on." I say. We get on the bus and sit in the same seats we did on the way here. This time Y/N doesn't put her head on my shoulder, and I don't read my book. I'm so mad at her right now. I look over at her and she's fallen asleep. I turn my head back to the window and pretty much look out there the whole hour.

"Y/N wake up" I say as we've finally arrived back to our hotel. Y/N wakes up and we make our way off the bus and into our hotel. Y/N is tripping everywhere, I don't want to help her after what she did but it's the only right thing do. We take the elevator up to our room and it's completely silent for the whole 7 seconds. We make it to our room and Y/N walks straight in and goes into our bedroom. Thanks to her I stink of alcohol so I get in the shower. I take about half an hour in the bathroom, showering and drying. I just put on a plain white tank top and black striped shorts as I don't see either of us going back out tonight and plus, it's past 8pm. I leave the bathroom and walk into our room assuming that Y/N is asleep. But she's not, she's not even out of her clothes and bikini yet. She's just sat at the end of the bed crying.

"Y/N I think you should get some sleep" I say whiles getting into bed besides her. It's quiet for a second. "Everybody at home would be so disappointed in me" Y/N says whiles sniffling. "Just change out of your clothes and go to sleep" I say because I really don't feel like having this conversation right now. "What I did to you, what that guy did to you is all of my fault. I couldn't handle somebody being honest towards me so I got drunk?! Im so pathetic." Y/N says, still crying her eyes out. I sit up next to her. "I'm not saying what you did today was right, but you had your reasons and you're not pathetic. I shouldn't of said the things I said at the beach." I say. I'm still mad at her, but I've got to feel sympathy for her. "I'm sorry" She says as she turns to me and looks into my eyes with tears still falling from her face. "I know" I reply whiles wiping her tears away with my fingers from her check. Y/N holds my hand against her face and stares at me. I stare back at her. "Nat..." she whispers before I pull her closer to me and kiss her. I realise what I'm doing and quickly pull away. What am I thinking? Y/N looks at me and then puts her head down and starts playing with her fingers. "U-uh you should probably change now, and sleep, both of us should sleep it's been a long day." I mumble. Y/N nods her head and leaves the room with a clean change of clothes and goes into the bathroom.

What did I just do? I kissed Y/N?? I didn't mean to,well I did but she's still a bit drunk, she's feeling vulnerable. I sit up on our bed for a minute and think about what just happened. It was wrong what I did but for some reason it felt...right?! I get up from the bed and make my way into bathroom. I walk in without a care and go up to Y/N who is still in her bikini top and shorts and grab her wrist and kiss her. Again. This time she pulls away "Nat what..what are you doing" She says. I carry on kissing her. I can't help it. Something inside of me is telling me to stop but I just don't want to. Y/N pulls way for the second time. "Natasha!" She says whiles laughing. "Just shut up" I say before pulling her close again and kissing her. I can feel Y/N moving her hand slowly down my thigh but I just go with it. I slowly pull away from her face "Come on" I say whiles nodding my head in the direction of the bedroom.  "Nat wait, can you tell me what's going on?" she says. "I don't feel the need to explain myself here Y/N, it's pretty self explanatory what's going on" I say whiles smirking. She smiles and we make our way into the bedroom. I sit Y/N in my lap facing me and I stark kissing her neck whiles she runs her hands through my hair. I look up to her and smile until she grabs my face and continues to kiss me. "Is this right" Y/N whispers in between the kiss. "Not at all" I reply before taking her off my lap and pushing her onto the bed and hovering just above her. I kiss her neck again and I can feel her slipping her hands through my shirt. I smile at her and continue to kiss her on the lips whiles stroking her hair. Surely it can only get better from here.

Hi hey hello. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Let's just's a little different from the rest😃
And it's all from Nats POV.
Also sorry if my French is bad, I'm not 100% with it.

Thank you for all of the support:)

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