I've seen what he can do (Losing Face)

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So uh, one of my grandfathers died *insert peace sign here*.

It was from a sudden heart attack two days ago, but I'm going to use the irl angst to motivate me to write fictional angst. Go drink some water and take care of yourselves loves <3

Tw: Fight, Relationship issues, mentions of sexual content, hard drinking, swearing

I was going to wait for you. I said I was going to fucking wait for you.

But then you turned away from me. From us.

You latched onto me, and we loved each other. Little did I know, you didn't latch on to me as hard as you would latch onto his sheets a mere month later.

We got together early September, after having met at a seaside beach late August. I was skipping stones as the warm sun beat down on my already tan, freckled shoulders.

Whenever the rock would skip, my dog would chase after it, her golden fur dragging behind her as she swam ferociously fast to try and catch that rock before it sank.

After throwing rocks for about twenty minutes, I heard a warm laugh erupt beside me after my dog

Leia found a new interest, aka a giant stick. She looked so funny with it I couldn't even blame you for laughing.

I looked back, and saw you for the first time.

"Hi! I'm Circe, who are you?" I asked, still smiling furiously.

(A/N: Btw it's pronounced "sir-see")

"I'm Fern. Nice dog you've got there." She responded, shielding her eyes from the sun.

We exchanged numbers, smiles wide a few hours later after getting to know each other, walking down the beach.

When I got home that night, I was floating above the world. Nothing could harm me, I was safe.

We texted, called and met up at coffee shops twice a week.

On our fifth date, we were official.

We walked up to my apartment that day, and watched Ace Ventura.

Laughing along, you unintentionally fell asleep in my arms, and I stayed there. I fell asleep, faster, and better than I had in months.

That month was the best one of my life.

I watched you write an album, knowing how much skill it takes to do. It was incredible.

Then, the argument.

I was ignorant, and you were drunk.

In the beige house a few streets down, a party was being held. We were invited from having met them at a dog park a few days back. We were just invited to be more people there, to fill the space, but we were still glad even knowing that.

When we arrived, it was a lot more than we thought it would be.

We walked in, and heard the music. It was way too loud, probably disturbing everyone in town. People were already stumbling around drunk, irresponsible and intoxicated.

Fern walked straight towards the alcohol, grinning.

An hour or two later she had drunk a dangerous amount. It scared me, so I tried to help her.

She got mad.

I tried to coax her out of it, being as sweet as I could. But, alas she took it out of context, thinking I was calling her "too irresponsible" and "childish".

So, she took it out on me by going home with someone else. I followed them in my vehicle, concerned for her safety as we knew nothing of the strange 6'3 man with the reddish-brown hair and blue eyes.

I tried calling her, only to find out I was blocked. When they pulled into the driveway, I saw them quickly move together, desperately kissing. He carried her inside. I heard the door slam, and saw their silhouettes through the curtains, still pressed together. I drove away.

That morning I woke up at six, and made a big mug of coffee, waiting for the inevitable hungover call of fern.

While I waited for it, I dropped her sweaters and all of the gifts she had ever given me off at her place.

At eleven, the call finally arrived. Her voice muffled, asking me what happened. I tell her to ask her new boyfriend. I hung up, telling her that her stuff was already at her house. I left my key there and found her key for my place and took it.

Then I blocked her over messages.

I'm still following her on instagram, and today, two weeks after that "incident" I see a photo of her and him at the coffee shop. No, our coffee shop with them smiling at each other happily.

I check my calendar, noticing the day we had set aside for next week to go there. I removed the plans. It's starting to feel real. The separation, that is.

I can now say that I've seen him going out with you, and I really have seen what he can do, making you sway at the littlest touch.

And you know what? You're happy. I don't care.

I wish the best for you, and I hope you guys can be happy together, whether he knows you cheated on me with him or not.

I hope you don't do what you did to me to him.

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