Chapter 15

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Izuku listens to the music and falls into a light sleep, his eyes all red and puffy from crying.

Bakugo and todoroki sigh and kiss Izukus head.

A few minutes later the docter walks in and looks at them.

Bakugo layed back with Izukus legs across his own.  And todoroki sitting crisscross with Izukus head leaning on his chest, the music still playing.

The doctor walks over "im not gonna hurt him, I just need to re-wrap the bandages on his arms."

Bakugo slowly lowers his glare and closes his eyes "if I here one whimper or whine out of his mouth your dead"

The docter just chuckles "ok"
He gently lifts one arm and begins to unwrap the bandages.

Bakugo and todoroki both look with worry.

Once the bandages were unwrapped then docter then gently cleaned the areas "it was deep enough to bleed out almost a half litter of blood and yet there gelling so fast.." he slowly wraps clean bandages over the now clean cuts.

Izukus eyes slowly flutter open as he feels the docter pull away
"Hmm..?"   He looks at Bakugo and todoroki with a sweet yet tired look.

Todoroki smiles and gently hugs him "how did you sleep mydoria?"

He softly grips onto todoroki
"Good.. I feel better. I'm not dizzy or anything, I'm hungry though... like.. really hungry.."

Bakugo grunts as he gets up "I'll get you soem damn food, just keep resting"

Mitsuki follows after Bakugo to make sure he dosnt cause a ruckus.

Aizawa shifts and sits next to the bed
"Mydoria.. you don't have to answer now but... I do wanna know what's going on and how this all started, I may be your teacher but I still care for you, all of you"

Izuku looks at him and nods "maybe some other time I'll tell you.. I don't wanna say it here."

Aizawa nods "of course. Hey.. can you walk? The nurse from eirlier said it might be a bit hard at first since you don't have a lot of strength back yet but do you wanna try?"

Izuku nods "yeah we can.." he slowly inches tward the end of the bed.

Todoroki right behind him to make sure he's safe.

Aizawa steps back "just try to stand first"

Izuku slowly stands up, his head getting a bit dizzy for a second but he quickly overcomes it. He smiles.

Todoroki stands and places his hands on Izukus hips to keep him stable.

Izuku blushes and shyly falls to the floor, his face all red.

Todoroki panics "are you alright mydoria!? Did you get dizzy?"

Aizawa laughs a bit but quickly clears his throat and pretends he didn't.

Izuku shakes his head "I just got nervous.."  his voice squeaky with embarrassment.

(Ima end the chapter here, sorry I suck at posting regularly! A lot has been happening that I can't do it as often :/ not that my stories are that good but I'm working on it lol anyways hope you enjoyed. )

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