Chapter 7

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Mitsuki had finished dinner, she made katsudon and a hot pot since she didn't really know what the Boys all liked. She walks over to the stairs and yells
"Boys! Wake up!! Diners is ready!!"

Bakugo sighs and wakes up first since he was a pretty light sleeper. He looks at the other two males and smiles slightly. He ran his hand through his hair before getting up and going to the bathroom. He washes his face before waking up the other two.
"Dumbasses..! Wake up! Go wash your nasty ass faces and go downstairs...dinner is ready."

Todoroki sits up and attaches
"Why do you have to be so rude about it bakugo...?" He gets up and gose to wash his face.

Izuku just groaned and rolled onto his side to tired to even open his eyes.

Bakugo sighs and rubs Izukus back
"You don't have to eat very much...just a little...and if you eat a  little then you'll get a reward ok? I'll give you or do anything you want.."

Izuku sits up slowly and looks at bakugo. He lets out a shaky sigh before hugging the blond male.

Bakugo nods softly and smiles
"Pinky promise you big baby.."

Todoroki drys his face and walk out of the bathroom.
"I'm can go in now Mydoria"

Izuku nods softly and gets up. He gose to the bathroom and lifts up his sleeves to wash his face.
he had forgotten that his cuts were there he was so calm around the two other boys that he had forgetter everything about them. He gulps before tracing over all of his cuts and scars.
"There's so many..."
he begins to tremble and comes out of the bathroom crying.

Bakugo and todoroki saw and immediately ran over with worry.

"Mydoria? What's wrong?"
Todoroki softly cupped Izukus cheeks and wipes his tears away with his thumbs.

Bakugo went behind Izuku and hugged him, placing his head on his shoulder.
"Tell us what's wrong.."

Izuku sniffles and looks at his arms.
"W-why...? Why did I-..."
he chokes on his words as he crys
" could I have done that-...I-....I can't believe I did that to myself...!!"
He sobs and falls into Todorokis chest.

Bakugo lets out a small sigh before picking Izuku up and sitting him on the bed.

Todoroki walks over and holds Izukus hand tightly.
"Don't worry...we're not mad at you..they will heal and soon fade away.."

Bakugo rubs Izukus head and sighs
"That's right...everything will be ok...we're all here for you"

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