Chapter 12

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Izuku was rushed into the emergency room, about 3 nurses and 2 docters run to him and hide behind a few curtains so they wouldn't disturb other patients.

Bakugo, todoroki, and Aizawa all sit there waiting. All anxious and about to cry.  Every so often Aizawa would try to calm bakugo and todoroki down even if it was just a little bit.

It took about 2 hours before the doctors came out and the nurses moved Izuku to one of the upper floors.  The doctor walks over after throwing away his gloves.
"He will be ok. We had to stitch up about 13 different cuts, and we pumped the rest of the pills out of his stomach. But the anesthesia medication we gave him will make him really loopy when he wakes up and he won't remember much at first. A nurse will cheak on him every 20 minutes just as a precaution"

Bakugo hugs todoroki and Aizawa hugs them both and lets out a heavy sigh
"He's ok... it's ok you two.."
The two boys cry into Aizawas chest, they were scared but relived.

Before going to see Izuku bakugo calls his mom and tells her everything. They all also head to the food court to get some drinks and a few snacks for when they need them.
Once they walk into Izukus room they see him laying in bed asleep, his arms tightly wraped, his chest gently rising and falling with each small breath, and his under eyes darker than before.

Bakugo drops the drinks onto a chair and walks over quickly as tears fall down his cheeks " idiot..! Y-you could have died!!"

Todoroki walks over and hugs bakugo from behind tearing up as well
"'s ok....I-it's fine...he's fine.."
Todoroki begins to cry.

Bakugo turns around and hugs todoroki tightly. They try to comfort eatch other then best they can in this situation.

Aizawa sighs and sits the Boys down on a small cot that was set up in the room.
"You two lay down and take a rest for a bit, you need it. I'll make sure he's ok the whole time."

Bakugo nods and just lays down, pulling todoroki onto his chest.

Aizawa grabs a blanket out of a small basket, it was a hospital blanket so it wasn't very thick but it works for now. He gently placed the blanket over the two before watching them drift off to sleep.

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