With an angry snarl they both stormed out. Mora got dressed with Shaw's help and he carried her down stairs to the car he rented that was waiting. As he was putting her in his brother showed up again. "Why do you treat our parents like shit?" Shade snapped and Shaw rolled his eyes.

His eyes connected with Mora's and he gave her a look similar to his parents yet there was no force behind it. She tilted her head and watched their exchange. "Maybe if you pulled your head out of their asses you would see the type of people our parents truly are. They are power hungry evil people. They aren't even mates for fucksake, they arranged their mating for more power and even rejected their true mates. They are just pissed when I lied and said I was going to kill the top ranking alpha and take over his pack I actually abandoned this pack, warned him and became his Gamma."

Now that was news to Mora and she couldn't help but respect Shaw even more. "They are greedy, selfish people and if they could've had more children you would've been just as disposable as me. You have no idea the shit they did to me as a child to 'prepare' me. You never saw the shitty side of them growing up because I protected you. Just stay away from my mate and myself. She deserves better than my fucked up family especially after everything she has been through. Goodbye Shade."

With that Shaw hopped in beside Mora and gently pulled her into his lap. She looked over his shoulder at his brother and mouthed something to him. Shade's eyes widened before softening and nodding once.

Mora gave an awkward smile as they pulled away and headed back to their pack. Both her and Shaw breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled up to the Pack house. All the kids were waiting and were relieved and excited to see Mora alive. She was still in a lot of pain but she was blocking it from Shaw. He however knew and insisted on carrying her.

He reluctantly let her say hi to the children and give them a glare warning them that if they dared cause a problem while she was recovering there would be hell to pay. Shaw then carried her into the infirmary and the doctors instantly began checking her over and checking her wound.

"Well they did a good job fixing you however due to the silver it will take up to two weeks for you to heal completely.  You should be able to shift and do light work within a week but nothing too taxing." Dr. Cole explained.

During his entire speech Mora was giving him a death glare as Shaw sat there nodding and commenting that he would make sure she took it easy. Once he left Mora spoke up. "I am not waiting a week let alone two. I will have to silver myself by then as my wolf will go stir crazy. She does not like being kept down and once I can shift I will more then likely spend a day in wolf form." She told him and he looked confused and shocked.

"We will figure it out however I will not allow you to cause any more damage to yourself. You heard the doctor Mora, you died twice, the bullet skimmed your liver and barely nicked your aorta. You nearly bled to death and I won't lose you." Shaw told her as he sat beside her on the bed.

Her face remained neutral as she looked at him. If it wasn't for the bond he would never have known about the emotions raging inside of her. She was happy he would stand by her, pissed and frustrated that she couldn't do shit and was injured, as well as furious Liam was the one that did this and she didn't even get to kill him. Finally her emotions seemed to settle a bit and she broke the eye contact. She hesitantly leaned her head against his chest and he pulled her tighter to him.

"I did not know you were supposed to be an Alpha." She spoke after a few moments of silence.

Shaw sighed and leaned his head back. "It is not something I think about often nor care about. My parents were master manipulators and raised me with an iron fist. If I did something wrong or not the way they like I was beat. When I got older they would use silver or throw me in the cells for a few hours to days. They tried to do the same to Shade but I would intercept them. I knew what they were doing was wrong especially when they tried to arrange a marriage for me when I was 15. I denied it but they wouldn't let it go. They told me I had two years to befriend and kill Bo if I wanted to choose my mate. So I befriended him. We were both technical Alpha's in training so his parents gladly accepted me to allow me to train with their pack. I had a lot of anger and was rather aggressive."

He let out a small laugh as he looked down into those glowing ruby eyes. "Some people even questioned if I was feral. But Bo, his dad and his mom all helped me over come my anger. They showed me love and I could never accept anything less. I started spending more and more time here and right before my 17th birthday I left my old pack completely. I ran here and told them everything. Every single thing my parents said and did. They were shocked as my parents put on a good front of being kind and loving people. I tried to convince Shade to come with me but he didn't believe me. He thought our parents were saints and worshiped them. They called after it was discovered you were my mate. They told me if I mated you they would completely disown me."

He smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips. "I told them I had already disowned them nine years ago. I also threatened them that you were mine and nothing anyone said or did would change that. I love you Mora and have since the first day I saw you. You are mine and I am yours. I know you may never be able to tell me you love me in return but I will love you enough for the both of us."

Mora was stunned especially when Shaw leaned down and sealed his words with a passionate kiss. Mora felt her cheeks warm and her heart flutter. She was starting to get used to this feeling even though it felt strange and odd. She cupped his face and her features softened. "I care about you Shaw, a lot more than I thought possible. I truly believe one day I will return your feelings. It may be days or years from now but I won't ever stop protecting and caring for you."

She then pulled him in for another kiss before snuggling into his chest and falling asleep. Shaw laid there smiling and loving how much she cared for him. He could feel the bond thrumming with care and he knew she was beginning to fall in love with him. He just wished people would stop fucking with them long enough for her to completely fall.

Shaw ended up drifting off to sleep not knowing that the worst had yet to come. They conquered an ant hill only to have a mountain left to climb. Little did they know not everyone was going to make it over it though.

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