"Hi Benny"

"Hi. Y/n? What on earth are you doing here?" I laughed surprised to see her

"I wanted to come see you" she blushed

"You came all this way? For me?"

"Of course I did" she smiled

"Awww, y/n. You shouldn't have done that you think I don't know the kinda money and stuff it takes to get here you crazy girl" I laughed giving her a hug

"Well I wanted to" she smiled

"Umm, I suppose where would I be without my sweet little good luck charm" I smiled

"You mean it"

"Of course I do"

And to this day... I regret what I did. The night after the Match, I was angry, I was broken, having lost to those russian bastards, I ended up drinking half a bottle of whiskey in my room and I made what may have been the worst decision I ever made. The door knocked so in my state I answered it angry and half drunk it was y/n, she was upset and crying. I let her in my room and we talked about the match together till the early hours of the next morning... she would hold my hand and cuddle me to cheer me up where she could and in my stupid state... I kissed her, and I fucked her. And I knew the morning I woke that I had let this go on far far too long

"Good morning my darling" she cooed in her underwear at the foot of my bed getting dressed

I smirked a little "hi"

"Would you like me to go get your breakfast?"

"No don't worry about it, you get back to your room" I laughed

"This is my room" she giggled

"Very funny go on y/n,"

"Okay silly boy, I'll see you downstairs" she smiled giving me a kiss as she slipped her dress on she went and got her handbag and then I noticed her slip something in it, two things in fact one was the silvery glint of the spare hotel key I had given to weiss in case he needed to get in my room for some reason and I had one for his too, and the other thing that took me back was... a little packet I knew by the site of even on my half hung over state, the condom wrapper from last night and inside it the tied used condom. Why was she taking it?

I forced it away, maybe she was gonna throw it away in her room or something and maybe she picked up the wrong key. It's understandable but this sort of thing didn't stop.

Every Time I saw her, she would kiss me, call me darling, try to do things with me... admittedly most times I didn't exactly deny her. But then, she started showing up, not only at tournaments and press stuff, but at my fucking apartment. I assume she followed my car one day and found where I lived, it freaked me out so I tried to cut all ties with her but she wasn't going to let me go that easily.

I woke up one morning in my apartment with her arms around me, her laid on my bed understably I freaked


"Umm good morning Benny darling"

'the fuck are you doing in my house!"

"What do you mean?"

"I locked my door what the fuck are you doing here !" I yelled jumping out of bed away from her

"Benny what on earth are you talking about?"

"Get the fuck out my house!"

"But benny-"


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