"How cool is this?!" Jim asked her, slowing his pace once he made it up.
Y/N was in to much awe to reply, so much so she didn't Notice the man in front of her. She accidentally walked into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see-" Y/N quickly apologised but was cut off as the creature started to blow raspberries at her.

How very mature of you.
She stared at the man dumbfounded as her hair became ruffled from the man.

Jim stood next to her, sharing the same look.
The man continued to hold his tentacles out, ready for a punch on.
"Hey man, she was only trying to apologise-"
Jim began calmly, holding out his hand. But he to was cut off as the man blew a raspberry into his face to.

Both their jaws were slight agape in confusion.

"Allow me to handle this" Delbert announced, walking up from behind the two.
He placed his hand under his arm pit and made the same fart noises, a smug look on his face when he finished.

The man seemed to understand however, laughing it off and throwing his head into his palm sheepishly.

"I'm fluent in Flatula, took two years of it in high-school" Delbert explained as he saluted the man off and walked of cockily.

"Flatula? Cool" Jim said impressed, Y/N pressed her lips together and shrugged in return before the two walked off.

"Good morning captain, everything ship shape" Delbert said cheerfully.

The stone man from before gave a tired  look before replying
"Ship shape it is sir, but I am not the captain" the man smirked.
"The captain's aloft."

The man gestured towards the sails and a cat like woman was jumping down from them, landing not to far in front of them.

Y/Ns jaw dropped open as Delberts mask fell down, Jim raised his eyebrow at the both of them.

"Mr arrow I've checked this miserable ship from stem to stern and as usual it's.. spot on, can you get nothing wrong?" She asked playfully towards the stone man.

"You flatter me captain" he smiled lifting his hat in respect.

The captain now walked towards the three.

"Ah, doctor Doppler I presume?" She questioned at Delbert, looking down at his metal suit.

"Uh, Um, yes I-" he stuttered.

"HELLO?! Can you hear me?" She knocked on his helmet, obviously teasing him.

"Yes I can! Stop that banging!"

"If I may doctor, this works so much better when it's right way up and plugged in" she got ahold of a plug on Delberts suit, turned him around aggressively and plugged it in from the back, this made Delbert shriek
"Lovely there you go" she smirked.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind I can managed my own plugging!" Delbert popped off his helmet piece and unplugged the plug from his suit holding it out to her.

"I'm captain Amelia" she took advantage of his hand and shook it up and down
"A few run ins with the protean armada, nasty business but I won't bore you with my scars. You've met my first officer, Mr Arrow, Stirling, tough, dependable, brave and true"
Amelia smirked.

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