Chapter 1

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Days in the life of Lavanya Ahuja were unusually scheduled. Each minute came with a purpose, and every hour was labelled with a task. Important days like today were planned even more precisely. 

Not necessarily because she wanted it to be, but because those around her dictated so. Some – most – thought she had no backbone, but Lavanya thought herself as co-operative. It wasn't the worst advice to comply with, especially if it meant she was prepared. Prepared to make no mistakes, especially today. There was no room for error.

But not everything always went to according to plan. Exhibit A: Lavanya was supposed to finish her lab on time. Instead, her incompetent and clumsy partner had pipetted the solution into the wrong wells. Like a bloody amateur.

Lavanya rushed down the hallway of the marbled building, her heeled boots clicking against the floor. She pulled the scrunchie out of her hair, the curls falling out of her bun. In a manner that was all too rough for her usual self, she shrugged the white coat off and it hung off her arm lazily. Walking out of the building, she spotted her BMW waiting for her in the darkness. It felt ridiculous to call it her car, when she had nothing to do with it, financially. With one press of a button, she unlocked it. She grimaced looking at the price on her phone. She cursed university parking.

Lavanya hurriedly glanced around the abandoned parking lot, and with pursed lips she reached for the navy dress in her bag. With rushed movements, she quickly changed, an eye always searching for any innocent bystanders.

She checked her appearance in the mirror. Passable. Her makeup was starting to crease under her eyes, and her red lipstick was starting to fade. Her boyfriend nor his family were going to be impressed. In fact, she could hear Mrs. Nair suggesting a different coloured lipstick to pair with her darker skin.

She turned the key in the ignition and reversed out of the parking lot. Lavanya hoped no one was around to witness her less than smooth driving skills. She was speeding, severely.

Driving was supposed to calm her down, but all it did was rattle her more. If it wasn't the car in front of her being too slow, it was the lack of a green light.

Eventually, the traffic drifted away, leaving her speeding car alone on the road.

An unpleasant sound escaped her car and before she could process it, the front wheels of her car spun out. Lavanya's foot pressed down the brake, jerking the car to a slow.

Her heart pounded beneath her ribs, her breathing heavier.

Lips pinched, Lavanya got out of her car and assessed the damage. A flat tire was definitely not part of the agenda. The gears in her head turned, tossing through her limited options. She couldn't call her parents. They had tried to sign her up for a class on changing tyres and she had vehemently refused, and now it had come to bite her in the ass. There wasn't a plethora of contacts on her speed dial, simply her family and boyfriend.

Because somehow, that's all her life had become. University, family, and a questionable relationship.

"Where the fuck are you?" Ansh's rough voice drifted through the phone.

Lavanya bit her lip, holding back any haughty comments. She could've done with a 'hi' or 'how are you'. "I have a flat tire."

"Well then, sort it out." He hung up.

Lavanya stared at her home screen, mouth agape. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. Eyes shut, she focused on breathing. She dialled her next option. The girl on the other side did nothing to assure her. Roadside assistance was an hour away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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