Chapter 12

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Logan awoke to the pain of something smacking him in the side, it was his step dad smacking him with a broom, likely the only time Roman had ever held a broom... at least voluntarily.
His entire family stood around him, Roman, Virgil and Patton, all gawking at him like a freak show.
"Cinders how many days are we gonna have to wake you up?! We can't baby sit you ever day!" Yelled Patton.
Logan just hung his head in shame, he desperately wished Remus was there to stand up for him, he wouldn't take any of this from anyone.
Roman put his hands on his hips "You wandered off again! Where did you go?!" Logan looked back up at him with an intense glare "I got lost looking for Patton's necklace." "I don't believe you, you're hiding something.".

Logan did something he never thought he would do, lay back down.
Everyone gasped, Virgil was legitimately shocked and secretly cheering him on in his mind.
"What do you think you're doing!?" Yelled Roman, Logan didn't even open his eyes to respond "I had a busy night, I need rest.".
"What about breakfast!?" Logan turned over "You have two hands, get it yourself.".
Patton started screaming at him like a demon, calling him all sorts of names that Logan just tuned out and Roman just stayed bitterly quiet, rage brewing inside him the longer he looked at Logan.

"Virgil." Roman said, you could feel the anger inside him just from the way he said his named "Go boil some water.".
"Me?!"  "Now." Roman demanded, Virgil wanted to fight back, he wanted to yell and be bitter but all he could do was scoff and mutter "I knew this would happen.".
The day went on and Logan was surprised by how little they were punishing him, in fact he thought they weren't punishing him at all.
Roman had a sour expression all day but Logan figured that he might of just been more lenient on him cause he was going with Patton to have tea with the queen so he was saving all his energy to suck up to her instead of punishing him.
Logan was terribly wrong though, for little did he know, all hell was about to break lose upstairs.

Patton and Roman thought it would be a great idea to properly try on Patton's outfit for the ball before getting ready to visit the queen, this time they didn't care if Logan caught them, in fact they wanted him to catch them just so he could get upset.
Luckily for them, Logan caught them and dropped the laundry basket in his hands in complete shock "What are you doing?".
"Trying on my suit." Patton said, admiring himself in the mirror.
He quickly got undressed and laid the clothes right on his bed as Logan stared in utter horror.
"You didn't think that after what happened today we'd still let you go with us right? Or are you really that stupid?" Roman condescended, Logan was fuming and Patton found the whole thing to be very satisfying to watch.
"Honestly Cinders, the outfit looks so much better on me anyways, I can hardly imagine what your weird boney little chicken legs would look like in an outfit like this.
Probably pretty squawking." Patton snort laughed at his own joke, each stupid chuckle making Logan more and more angry.

"It's hysterical that you thought you could mingle with people like us, I mean, it's preposterous." Roman pompously laughed, Logan was fed up at this point "Why is it so impossible?! Why can't you two ever think about me as anything other than a maid." Roman's expression dropped and he became very stern and cold "Because you're common Cinders, your father was common and you are common just like him.
Having one of your parents come from high society means nothing.".
Patton chimed in, looking at his cuticles and smugly smiling "I just wanna say thank you though Cinders, if it wasn't for you and your dad I wouldn't have this wonderful outfit for the ball and I would have a much harder time catching my future hubbies eye.".
"You don't even know anything about him! How could you possibly care about him?!" "I don't, but who cares? He's got a big title and a lot of money, what more could I ever want?".
The idea of Patton wooing a prince while wearing Logan's dead father's clothes was a heart breaking image for the poor guy, to see the son of the man who replaced his father wearing one of his fathers most prized possessions was heart breaking enough, but the fact that it was meant for Logan and they outright lied to him about stealing it was enough to making him burst into tears.
"Do you really think tactics like these are gonna help you win a crown?! You're hunting royalty for sport like it's some sort of silly game! How can you two be so cruel?! These are my dad's clothes and you're just going to take them from me?".

"Who's gonna stop us? Your dead daddy?" Patton did an exaggerated sad expression as he taunted Logan over his dead dad, this was the final straw.
Rage boiled inside Logan, his eyes slightly welled up with tears and his face turned a bright red, Patton continued to taunt him but he couldn't hear him at all anymore.
He raised a clenched fist and for a split second Patton's eyes widened in fear, Virgil had walked by just in time to see what was happening and he along with everyone else gasped at the violent display.
Logan had punched Patton in the face.
Patton fell backwards, fully being knocked off his feet and for a second he just sat there gobsmacked and touching his eye in horror at what just happened.

Virgil and Roman couldn't believe their eyes, but things were far from over, Logan picked up his dads outfit and held it tightly under one of his arms as he steadily walked toward Patton in a blind rage, ready to do far worse than punch him.
Patton got up and ran all the way down the stairs as Logan chased him and Roman and Virgil followed in hot pursuit, eventually they wound up in the kitchen with Picani.
Thinking fast, Patton grabbed Logan's copy of Macbeth and held it inches away from the fire place, everyone was pretty on edge.
"Gimme the clothes or the book gets burned!" "No!" "Give it to me!".
The tension was sickening, any moment now Logan would either have to watch the book get burned or surrender his fathers clothing, both were so important to him, he could no sooner decide which way he wanted to die, actually that probably would of been less painful.

Logan thought long and hard about what he could do, eventually he made his decision.
If he gave away the clothes he could at least take comfort in the fact that they would be intact and well cared for and he would get his book back, if he didn't he knew his book would be destroyed and he had no idea what he planned to do with the clothes if he even got to keep them.
Anywhere he put them they would surely be found or taken back and he would of lost both of his parents possessions, coming to terms with his decision, he slowly handed the folded suit over to Patton.
Picani struggled to not instinctively cover his eyes, the heart breaking scene was unbearable to watch and Virgil just stayed frozen in place, not reacting at all.
Logan reached out his hands for his book, ready to have Patton place it in them.

Instead though Patton just took a deep, exhausted breath and threw it right into the fireplace.
Logan screamed like he had never screamed before, it was guttural, raw and primal, years of hiding his emotions and being tormented, all coming out in one tragic screech that shook the whole house.
Roman quickly grabbed his arms and held them behind his back to restrain him, keeping him from even trying to reach into the fire to save it before it was completely charred.
He thrashed and thrashed and yet he couldn't get free, his step father was still too strong and Logan was forced to sit by and watch as the last thing left he had of his other dad slowly melted in the flames.
Virgil covered his mouth and his eyes welled up with tears, much like Logan he was also finally letting all his emotions out, for once he felt something other than spite, real sympathy for his brother.

Logan was then promptly throw down into a cramped cellar that was located outside, it was dark and damp and he could hear rats squeaking around in the corners of the room.
The only light in the cellar came from the open doors which made a dark scary shadow cast over Logan as Roman approached to shut the doors.
"Cinders." He said grimly "Do you really want to go to the ball?" He asked, this was obviously a trick but Logan was too emotionally damaged to come up with a proper response, he just slowly nodded as tears streamed down his face.
"How does it feel to want?" he evilly laughed, slamming the doors shut and locking them.
He turned to Virgil "We need to get ready to see the queen, I need to find a way to excuse his black eye.
If you try to open this door while we're gone you'll wish you were locked away from me.".
As Roman sashayed away Virgil looked down at the ground, pensive and unsure of what to do.

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