what we've been waiting on

Start from the beginning

"fuck, i know, it was dumb, and then i just let her go and left, i'm pretty sure she told her friends that i didn't do it. didn't you wonder where all the rumors went this year?" he huffed, and you slowly put the pieces together, eyes widening as it clicked in your head, raising up and slamming your hands on the table.

"wait-! so, none of the rumors are true?! you haven't- done any of that stuff?!" oh, fuck, you were bewildered, seeing him smile, nod, and you leaned back, trying to put your mind around it. "but- fuck, wait, but all of them- the thing you said, about how you did something at the beginning of the year-"

"that? oh, i gave megumi a blowjob. forgot why." he stated, and you were sure your eyes couldn't get any wider, watching him shrug. "other than that, though, i haven't done anything. except with you, obviously."

"oh." you nodded, mind empty for a minute, too much information to process at once. "wait, you're a virgin-?!"


"what the fuck-" you held your head in your hands, looking up at him, then down at the table, baffled. "is that why uraume told me to be gentle with you-?"

"they told you to what?" his eyes widened, silently cursing and turning to the table, smiling a little. "fuck, at least they're looking out for me. whatever, any other questions about my virgin self since you seem interested in that?"

"uh, yeah, umm.." you stopped, biting your lip and sighing, holding your hands together on the table. "you seemed so confident when you first talked to me again this year, uh, in the classroom..? when you asked me.. to please you, and- it's just, surprising that you haven't done anything.. i'm just wondering why you asked me to do that, if you hated me, and hadn't done anything.."

he was quiet, and you glanced up, seeing him looking off to the side, cheeks a light shade of red. "..i didn't really have a reason. i just figured it'd be a way for you to talk to me, since you hated me at that time, i didn't expect for you to leave halfway, though, so i had to keep going, and- well, fuck, here we are because of it." he sighed, shaking his head to himself. "i never did hate you, you were just- so fucking annoying, being so stubborn, and- fuck, i didn't like it, so i tried to get you to act how you did last year, and- i realized i hated that, too, and- i just prefer it when you don't hate me."

you nodded, biting your lip and inhaling slowly. "..why did you wanna talk to me so badly..?"

he sighed, shaking his head. "enough questions for me. listen, i heard pretty clearly what you said to yuuji. that's what i want to clear up."

"..uh, that i- told you to leave me alone?" fuck, you were so nervous, and he shook his head, so you bit your lip, awkwardly squirming in your spot. "i.. don't really know what i was saying, and-"

"everything else was true, though." he hummed, and you clenched your fists against the table, face burning up, you had already embarrassed yourself enough.. "plus that really loud third year came and talked to me on monday, he told me the same thing."

fuck. "uh, yeah, he said if i didn't.. tell you, he'd tell you for me, and.."

"tell me what?"

"you're killing me here." you huffed, squeezing your eyes shut as you squirmed in your seat, hearing him chuckle, obviously having fun messing with you. you.. had been keeping it to yourself for so long, yet he found out in the worst way possible, it really couldn't get much worse, could it?

"i think.. you're really annoying." you started, and he rolled his eyes, waiting on you to continue. "you constantly tease me, and bully me, and it drives me crazy sometimes, but- like you said, we both know i like the teasing, and- you do care about me, more than i thought you did, and.." you watched him stand up, seeing him move around beside you, and you gulped, turning to the floor. "you're kind in your own way, whether it's inviting me to watch movies, or remembering that i like your piercings.."

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