Chapter 6

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You two arrived to Gordan's temporary living space. It was beautiful to say the least. He was renting out one of the nicest mansions in the city. The house sparkled in the night, and you were enamored in the beauty of it all, and almost forgot why you were here in the first place.

  Almost. . .

As he pulled his luxurious car into the massive garage. It almost seemed like foreshadowing. You two sat there for a moment. You were still taking in what has happened in the last hour, and Gordon was waiting on you. He didn't want to rush, he knew the effects he had on people. 

You were staring out the window of the car, you were beginning to grow nervous and contemplating whether this was a good idea or not. 'Gosh what am I doing?! This is literally The Gordon Ramsey's Mansion! I need to get out of here, I ne-' Before you could continue the argument in your head, a warm hand was placed on your upper thigh. 

You snapped your head up to meet ocean blue eyes. His eyes were kind, and had a bit of sympathy behind them.

"Look," he started in his alluring British accent, "I'm not going to rush you or do anything you are not comfortable with my dear." 

He swipes his tongue over his plum soft lips. His lips glisten in the light that is coming from the small overhead that is placed on the roof of the car. You were beginning to loosen up again, remembering what drew you here in the first place. 

You settled your hands on top of Gordons, and gripped it lightly in a loving gesture. 

"I'm sorry," you say sheepishly, "I was a little nervous before, but I can't help but to feel," you pause looking for the right words. "Safe around you."

You move your eyes from the intertwined hands, up to his glassy blues. 

"Is that crazy?" Your face has a soft blush adorned on your cheeks. 

Before you could speak anymore, Gordon swallows any other words that linger on your tongue. You two engage in a passionate kiss. You move your hands to his cheeks to deepen the kiss further. He keeps the one placed on your thigh and moves it up ever so slightly, and wraps the remaining behind your waist. 

He swipes his tongue across your plump bottom lip, asking for entry. You timidly comply. Without hesitation, his tongue his moving ravenously through your mouth. You both moan in sync. 

This goes on for a few more minutes, before you both separate panting for air. You caress his cheek with your hand, and he does the same with his thumb on the upper part of your thigh, giving you goosebumps. 

"God love, I'm feeling romantical," a dark blush creeps up to your face. You will never get over how captivating his accent is. 

"Shall we continue this else where?" You give him a seductive look, sealing it with a wink. 

"Don't mind if I do," he replies with a deep kiss devouring your mouth. 

'What have I gotten myself into?' 

A/N: I am terribly sorry, I don't know what my life has come to lmao. Hope you guys enjoy, I cringed the entire time creating this, so I don't blame you if you did as well.

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